Digitalization of Urban Space: From Idea to Everyday Practice of Vladivostok Residents


  • Anna Ardalyanova Department of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University
  • Anna Evgenyevna Zemtsova Department for the Development of Research Activities and Scientific Communications, Far Eastern Federal University
  • Ilya Vladimirovich Kupryashkin Department for the Development of Research Activities and Scientific Communications, Far Eastern Federal University



digitalization, smart city, everyday practices, digital practices of citizens.


The article describes the results of a study conducted by the authors in order to identify and justify the main opportunities and limitations of digital transformations in urban development through the analysis of the "Smart City" concept and assessment of the opinions of citizens regarding the need for and importance of introducing digital solutions into their daily practices (on the example of the city of Vladivostok). Empirical methods are represented by a secondary analysis of sociological data, the empirical basis for which was the research of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM), the Primorsky Research Center of Sociology. The results of interviews with residents of the city of Vladivostok (N=15) are presented.

Author Biographies

Anna Ardalyanova, Department of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor

Anna Evgenyevna Zemtsova, Department for the Development of Research Activities and Scientific Communications, Far Eastern Federal University

Leading Specialist

Ilya Vladimirovich Kupryashkin, Department for the Development of Research Activities and Scientific Communications, Far Eastern Federal University

Candidate of Philosophy, Director of the Department


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How to Cite

Ardalyanova А. Ю., Zemtsova А. Е., & Kupryashkin И. В. (2022). Digitalization of Urban Space: From Idea to Everyday Practice of Vladivostok Residents. Respublica Literaria, 3(1), 54–66.