Obligated Memory as a Prohibition on History


  • Alexandra Anikina Novosibirsk State University




П. Рикёр, политика памяти, припоминание, мемориальный поворот, злоупотребления памятью


The article deals with the contradictions of two forms of dealing with the past – history and memory. Based on the analysis of the concept of the 20th century classic Paul Ricoeur, it is shown how memory can turn from a testimonial of experience into a substitution of the past in the form of a “obligated memory”. The idea of "obligated memory" is considered on the example of the ideologeme of victory in the Russian politics of memory, which obscures the experience of grief and destruction suffered by the victorious people. It is shown that " obligated memory" only seems to be memory, thereby forcing one to take its images seriously, but it does not rely on real experience, which is necessary for the survival as of individuals so of societies as a whole.

Author Biography

Alexandra Anikina, Novosibirsk State University

Candidate of Philosophy, Lecturer 


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How to Cite

Anikina А. Б. (2022). Obligated Memory as a Prohibition on History. Respublica Literaria, 3(1), 5–19. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2022.3.1.5-19