The Influence of Socio-historical Development on Greek Philosophy in the Period of Early Hellenism: Statement of the Problem and Basic Approaches to its Solution


  • Vladimir Brovkin Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Hellenistic Philosophy, Alienation of the Individual from Society, Political Activity, Hellenistic Monarchies, Polis, E. Zeller, A. F. Losev, P. Hadot, E. Brown


The article deals with the problem of the influence of the political development of Greece on the early Hellenistic philosophy. The main approaches to solving this problem are shown. The traditional approach goes back to G. W. F. Hegel and E. Zeller. This approach is based on the idea of changing the nature of Greek philosophy in the conditions of the formation of Hellenistic monarchies and the decline of the polis in the period of early Hellenism. The tendency to alienation of the individual from society comes to the fore in the philosophical teachings of Hellenism. Another approach, presented in the works of P. Hadot and E. Brown, is based on the position on the preservation of the polis in the period of early Hellenism and, as a result, the tendency to political activity in Greek philosophy. The one-sidedness of these approaches is shown.

Author Biography

Vladimir Brovkin , Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Brovkin В. В. . (2021). The Influence of Socio-historical Development on Greek Philosophy in the Period of Early Hellenism: Statement of the Problem and Basic Approaches to its Solution. Respublica Literaria, 2(4), 52–65.