
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Institutionalization of science and the scientific community

The first issue of the journal is dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Institute of philosophy and law of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The unifying theme for the articles is "Institutionalization of science and the scientific community".




Wolf М. Н., & Abramova М. А. (2020). Introductory. Respublica Literaria1(1), 5–6.


The journal presented to readers is a new platform for the exchange of scientific information, the results of fundamental and empirical research between philosophers, sociologists and representatives of jurisprudence. The main attention is paid to familiarizing a wide audience with current trends in the socio-philosophical, sociological and legal understanding of the processes of social and state-legal development in Russia and abroad, including from the point of view of correlation with the social, cultural and historical context.

Our journal is aimed at developing active and effective communications within the scientific and professional community, creating an interdisciplinary platform for open discussion and free expression of opinions that would contribute to improving the quality of scientific research.



Afonasin Е. V. (2020). Plato and the Academy (Philodemus’ “History of the Academic Philosophers”). Respublica Literaria1(1), 7–24.


The paper offers a Russian translation of the portion of the “History of the philosophers” by Philodemus, available in two Herculaneum papyri (PHerc. 1021 and PHerc. 164), which deals with the history of the foundation of the Athenian Academy and the biography of its founder. This important source, introduced and extensively commented in the article, allows highlighting the most interesting details of Plato’s life and political pursuits both in Athens and in Sicily. The biographical details discussed are reconstructed on the basis of the earliest evidence, including the Platonic letters, the works of the students of Aristotle Aristoxenus and Dicaearchus, the platonic philosopher Heraclides of Pontus, the Hellenistic historian Neanthes (who’s information ultimately comes back to Isocrates), and some others. This gives the biography of Plato and the earliest history of Academy more credence.


the history of scientific and educational institutes, philosophical biographies, Athens.



Brovkin,  V.  V.  (2020).  Cosmopolitanism  and  patriotism  in  Greek  philosophy  during  the  early  Hellenistic period. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 1. pp. 25-39.


The article is devoted to the question of the correlation of cosmopolitanism and patriotism in the early Hellenistic  philosophy.  It  is  established  that  during  this  period  in  Greek  philosophy  the  opposition  between  two  tendencies –  Patriotic  and  cosmopolitan  increased.  Patriotic  values  have  retained  their  influence.  The  exponents  of  Patriotic  ideas  were  Aristotle,  Xenocrates,  Anniceris,  Menedemus,  and  partially  the  early  stoics.  At  the  same  time,  the  positions of cosmopolitanism, which was represented in the philosophy of the cynics, the early Stoics, and Theodorus, also strengthened. It is also established that the formation of Hellenistic monarchies influenced the development of both tendencies.  The  rapprochement  of  the  Greeks  with  the  peoples  of  the  East  contributed  to  the  spread  of  cosmopolitan  ideas. And the Foundation of Greek cities in the Hellenistic States contributed to the preservation of Polis values, one of which was patriotism.


cosmopolitanism,  patriotism,  early  Hellenism,  cynics,  early  stoics,  Theodorus  the  Atheist,  Aristotle,  Polis, Hellenistic monarchy.



Khlebalin, A. V.,Tselishchev,V. V. (2020). The  history  of  the  emergence  of  symbolic  notation  in  mathematics  in  the  17th  century  and  transformation  of  mathematical  practice. Respublica Literaria.  Vol. 1.  no. 1. pp. 40-47.


The article analyzes the intellectual and cultural preconditions that made it possible to create symbolic notation  in  mathematics  of  the  17th  century.  It  is  shown  that  the  reprints  of  Euclid’s  Elements  in  the  XVI  century  formed  an  intellectual  and  cultural  background  that  allowed  Viet  and  Stevens  to  transform  the  classical  concept  of  arithmos into  a  symbolic  concept  of  number,  which  made  the  creation  of  symbolic  notation  possible.  It  is  argued  that  the  development  of  symbolic  notation  is  not  a  simple  change  in  the  way  of  notation,  but  significantly  changed  the  mathematical practice, making it possible to introduce new objects and through symbolic transformations.


notation, symbolic conception of number, mathematical practice, mathematical object.



Butakov,  P.  A. (2020).  A  New  Trick  for  the  Old  Debate. Respublica Literaria,  2020. Vol.  1. no.  1, pp.  48-57.


In the end of the 20th century analytic philosophy of religion has formed a new course for the debate about  the  existence  of  God,  which  is  concerned  with  the  problem  of  the  divine  hiddenness.  The  paper  addresses  the  historical context of the origin of the new course. It shows how its originator John Schellenberg was able to formulate his Hiddenness  Argument  using  the  contemporary  achievements  in  epistemology.  In  addition,  the  paper  brings  out  Schellenberg’s  novel  approach  to  defense  of  plausibility  of  the  Argument’s  premises.  Finally,  it  suggests  promising  directions for debating the Hiddenness Argument.


analytic philosophy of religion, Schellenberg, problem of divine hiddenness, Hiddenness Argument, epistemology of religious belief.



Volf, M. N., Berestov, I. V. (2020). Overinterpretation or appropriation? Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 1. pp. 58-68.


The article discusses various approaches to interpretation, which understand it as a universal method of the humanities. Particular attention we paid to the interpretations in U. Eco and E. Batti, who, although do not agree with each other, however, are opposed both to the philosophic or analytic understanding of interpretation, which we call the appropriationist  approach.  The  way  of  interpreting  the  past  inherent  in  appropriationism  often  threatens  with  overinterpretation, for which it is criticized by adepts of contextualism. We analyze the interpretation through the prism of three skeptical arguments we offered, “conceptual relativism”, “Gorgians’ minds”, “the part and the whole”. Skeptical arguments are often used in philosophy as an additional filter for testing the consistency of the concepts, and it is clearly seen  that  the  contextualist  concept  of  interpretation  does  not  pass  this  filter.  The  thesis  that  appropriation  is  indeed  a  overinterpretation  can  be  accepted  under  reserve  that  for  a  strictly  philosophical  way  of  reasoning  and  from  within  appropriationism, another version of interpretation is inconsistent.


interpretation, overinterpretation, skeptical arguments, appropriationism



Kosarev, A. V. (2020).Transformation of the concept of a rhetorical situation due to virtualization of audience. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 1. pp. 69-82.


The paper discusses the role of the audience and the rhetor in the concept of the rhetorical situation. We analyze the approaches of L. Bitzer, R. Watts, S. Consigny. An important place in the paper takes the analysis of the position of S. Krause on the features of the communicative process and the formation of a new communicative reality in the digital space, as well as F. Pashaei, who examines the rhetorical situation through the prism of the “ecology” concept with  an  atomic  model  of  rhetorical  digital  discourse  instead  of  linear.  We  make  a  conclusion  that  smoothing  the  boundaries between the rhetor and the audience in digital discourse makes it difficult both to model the audience and performing the rhetorical situation of its function of relieving social tensions.

Key words:

the rhetorical situation, L. Bitzer, rhetor, audience, digital discourse, conflict



Abramova, M. A. (2020). Science + education = ( ≠ ) education + science. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 1. pp. 83-93.


Based  on  a  comparative  analysis  of  the  Prussian  and  Anglo-Saxon  models,  as  well  as  the  implementation  of  the  concepts  of  didactic  encyclopedism  and  utilitarianism  in  the  education  system,  the  author  demonstrates the changes taking place in social institutions – education and science. It is shown that in countries that have  long  developed  under  the  influence  of  the  public  administration  system  that  implemented  the  model  of  compulsory education for all, science as a sphere of strategic development of the country determined the content and level  of  training  of  graduates.  The  attempt  to  include  research  institutions  in  universities  in  the  context  of  the  formation of a new Russian system of administration in the field of science and education, as a stage of transition to the implementation of the Anglo-Saxon model, not only violates the logic of the established system of training, but also is a way to substitute real research activity for compliance with the formal criteria of international ratings.


public administration system, social institutions: education and science, Prussian model, Anglo-Saxon model, ratings, human capital



Ablazhey, A. M. (2020). Post-soviet Science: the attempt of conceptualization. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 1. pp. 94-102.


On  the  basis  of  a  secondary  analysis  of  the  results  of  sociological  research,  the  main  directions  of  the  analysis  of  the  genesis  and  further  development  of  the  phenomenon  of  post-Soviet  science  are  outlined.  The  main  attention  is  paid  to  the  problem  of  the  influence  of  the  global  socio-economic  and  socio-cultural  contexts  on  the  formation  of  system-forming  elements  and  factors  that  determine  the  development  of  the  domestic  system  for  the  production of scientific knowledge. An essential part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the consequences of the radical reform of the academic sector for the fate of Russian science. It is concluded that science in Russia has been able to  successfully  adapt  to  the  new  conditions  of  activity,  has  learned  to  successfully  combine  scientific  research  and  commercial  interests.  At  the  same  time,  the  excessive  dependence  of  the  sphere  of  fundamental  research  on  the  state  determines the weakness of science, its weak participation in the innovative development of the country.


science, post-Soviet society, global context, market, adaptation, radical reform, perspectives.



Popkov, Yu. V., Kostyuk, V. G., Persidskaya, O. A. Institutionalization of the Novosibirsk Scientific School  of  Ethnosociology:  ideas,  approaches,  forms  of  activity. Respublica Literaria.  2020. Vol.  1. no.  1. рp.  103-111.


The  authors  consider  the  features  of  genesis,  stages  of  formation,  theoretical  and  methodological  foundations, basic ideas and approaches developed within the framework of the Novosibirsk Scientific Ethnosociological School. A description of the forms of activity, scientific ties and communicative practices that determined the process of its institutionalization is given. It is concluded that this scientific school meets the criteria for this kind of organization of the scientific community, both in terms of organizational structure, unity of research methodology and methods, forms of  interdisciplinary  communication,  reproduction  of  scientific  personnel,  and  based  on  an  assessment  of  its  role  in  regulating interethnic interactions and ethnosocial processes.


scientific  school;  Novosibirsk  Scientific Ethnosociological School;  institutionalization;  approaches; forms of activity; main results.



Tselishchev  V., Pokasova E. (2020) INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY AND LAW OF THE Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: 30th anniversary. Respublica Literaria.  2020. Vol.  1. no.  1. рp.  118-123.


The article describes the thirty-year history of the development of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the SB RAS with an emphasis on developing scientific areas, schools, the contribution of employees and research teams.





Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)


Berdaus,  S. V. (2020). The  first  philosophy  of  E. Husserl  in  the  context  of  phenomenology  as  a science. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 20-27.


The  article  examines  the  problem  of  the  relationship  between  critical  and  dogmatic  types  of  thinking  in  the  context  of  the  project  of  scientific  philosophy  created  by  Husserl.  The  point  of  view  is  expressed  according  to  which  the  program  of  science  teaching  of  Husserl  was  not  completed  at  the  end  of  the  descriptive  stage,  but,  on  the  contrary, was continued and expanded at the stage of transcendental phenomenology. Based on the material of the first part  of  the  lectures  “First  Philosophy”  belonging  to  this  stage,  it  is  demonstrated  how  Husserl,  with  the  help  of  historical-eidetic reduction and the concept of the unity of motivation, outlines the way for the “naïve”  philosopher to master  the  principles  of  critical  thinking.  These  principles,  coupled  with  phenomenological  reduction,  form  a  special  disposition of the dogmatic and the critical in the project of phenomenology as a rigorous science, where the dogmatic and the critical merge into the fundamental requirement of the philosopher's self-reflection and responsibility.


Phenomenology,   Husserl,   critical   thinking,   First   philosophy,   historical   reduction,   unity   of   motivation.



Anikina, A. B.  (2020).  Functioning  of  the  P.  Ricoeur's  mimetic  circle  in  the  various  narrative  representations of the past. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 5-19.


Scholar’s  and  mythological  historical narratives  coexist  independently,  but  now  they  have  been  increasingly  confused.  To  find  ways  to  compare  them  and  highlight  the  properties  which  distinguish  them,  we  turn  to  P. Ricoeur's  concept  of  triple  mimesis.  Narratives  are  cognitive  tools,  so  they  are  almost  omnipresent.  Since  there  is  nothing  in  the  narrative  that  would  distinguish  one  type  from  another,  it  is  necessary  to  pay  attention  to  how  they  function, to the ways of representing reality that use different types of narratives. For this, the article uses the concept of P. Ricoeur's  mimetic  circle,  which  takes  into  account  not  only  the  narrative  dimension  itself,  but  also  its  “depth”,  the  degree of approximation to reality.


  1. Ricoeur, mimetic circle, narrative, representation of the past, Stalin myth.



Berestov, I. V. (2020). A Feature of the Conception Inheritance in the Eleatic School of Philosophy. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 28-51.


The purpose of the paper is to identify common theses supposedly shared by Parmenides and Zeno of Elea. In order to achieve this goal, we show that an alternative interpretation of the aporia from 29 B 1 DK is possible, in which  we  don’t  deal  with  an  infinite  division  of  an  extended  being,  but  we  deal  with  a  regression  of  relations  of  an  arbitrary  type.  These  relations  are  connecting  an  arbitrary  type  of  constituents  of  a  complex  object.  In  this  case,  the  aporia proves the impossibility of a complex object of any type, not just the impossibility of an extended object. Finally, we  show  that  interpreted  in  this  way  Zeno’s  reasoning  from  29  B  1  DK,  and  appropriately  interpreted  Parmenides’  proofs of the unity of being in 28 B 8 DK can be treated as based on a holistic assumption. This enables us to assert that Zeno  was  the  successor  of  Parmenides,  not  only  in  the  sense  that  he  was  indirectly  proving  Parmenides’  thesis  of  the  unity of being, but also in the sense that he was using a statement that Parmenides could imply.


Parmenides, Zeno of Elea, the Eleatic School, Zeno’s aporias, unity of being, One–Many Problem, the power of the continuum, continuity of line, mental holism.



Domanov, O.A. (2020). Form and Formal Approaches in the History of Philosophy and Today. RespublicaLiteraria. Vol.1. no.2. pp.52-59.


The concept of form and its derivations belong to the most important concepts of Antiquity and MiddleAges. Modern formal approaches in logic, semantics etc. depend on this problematics, rarely exposing it to scientificscrutiny. The article deals with a way medieval discussions on form and essence are reflected in contemporary approachesto formalisation, resulting in the confrontation between substantialist and constructivist paradigms.


history of philosophy, formal approaches, type theory, model theory



Zaykova,  A. S.  (2020).  In  favour  of  analytic  phenomenology  of  time. Respublica Literaria.  Vo l. 1. no. 2. pp.60-69.


The  article  considers  analytic  phenomenology  of  time  as  a  most  hopeful  way  for  studying  temporal  structure  of  consciousness.  In  order  to  demonstrate  advantage  of  this  area  we  briefly  outline  the  main  methods  of  research    of    time    consciousness    and    time    perception,    clarify   connection   between   analytic   philosophy   and   phenomenology  and  turn  to  contemporary  research  of  temporal  consciousness  structure.  We  can  mention  F. Varela, S. Gallagher,   E. Pöppel,   H. Maturana,   E. Knyazeva   as   proponents   of   analytic   phenomenology,   who   have   already   performed outstanding results. Thus, it is through the analytic phenomenology of time we can study temporal structure of  consciousness  using  logical  methods,  system  and  analytical  approach  without  excluding  phenomenological  and  neurophenomenological researches.


time  perception,  time  consciousness,  temporal  structure  of  consciousness,  analytic  philosophy,  phenomenology, neurophenomenology.



Kovalchuk,  X. S.  (2020).  Pairs  of  Arguments  (Dissoi  logoi). Respublica Literaria.  Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 70-78.


The  paper  is  a  Russian  translation  of  the  first  three  chapters  of  a  sophistic  text,  conventionally  called  the Pairs of Arguments (Dissoi logoi). Transmitted as an appendix to the works of Sextus Empiricus, this collection of short  treaties  seeks  to  show  the  sophistic  (Protagorean)  way  of  argumentation.  They  address  such  opposite  notions  as  bad  and  good,  ugly  and  beautiful,  unjust  and  just,  and  explore  the  possibilities  of  arguing  pro  and  contra  a  given  position.


sophistics, argumentation, rhetoric, persuasion.



Kosarev,A.  V. (2020). Foundations  of  relativism  by  J.  Margolis  in  the  polemic  of  R.  Rorty  and  H. Putnam. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 79-87. 79-87


The polemic about the realism of H. Putnam and R. Rorty is a remarkable event of the 20th century for a number of reasons. Forming within the analytical philosophy, and using the most relevant concepts and ideas of this direction as arguments, this polemic for almost three decades of its existence balanced on the border with relativism, the least popular and admited direction of philosophy of the 20th century. Putnam's arguments against metaphysical realism reject any "point of view of God", entail "internalism", accept the concept of incommensurability of conceptual schemes and  the  relativization  the  reality  described  by  the  epistemic  agent  to  his  experience.  Rorty's  arguments  reject  not  only  relativism, but also realism, but his concepts of ethnocentrism and solidarity also take the view that the standards of truth correlate with the conceptual schemes, are "sociologized" and meet the interests of the majority. J. Margolis find in this polemic not only a retreat into relativism, but also recognized its pragmatistic potential, which gave him the opportunity to defend relativism, proposing its reliable (robust) version and building a neo-pragmatist philosophy on the development of the arguments of both sides.


neopragmatism, realism, relativism, H. Putnam, R. Rorty



Rodin,  K.  A.  (2020).  Witgenstein  on  intention  and  theory  of  action. Respublica Literaria.  Vol.  1. no. 2. pp. 88-94.


In the article we examine Wittgenstein's notes on several action theories in general context of intentional states. We show (based on the articles of Michael Scott) that the kinesthetic theory of action and theories of innervation, which were the object of criticism of Wittgenstein, do not play an essential role for understanding Wittgenstein's texts and  therefore  in  this  case  the  influence  of  historical  and  philosophical  reconstruction  on  the  understanding  of  Wittgenstein's  corresponding  notes  can  be  considered  insignificant.  Late  Wittgenstein's  texts  are  directed  against  comparatively universal methodological and metaphysical principles. And therefore, criticism of theories of action can only serve as an optional illustration and an optional precondition for interpretation and understanding.


Wittgenstein, intention, action, intentional states, kinesthetic image, philosophical problem.



Sanzhenakov,  A.  A.  (2020).  Institutionalization  of  a  philosophical  school:  the  origins  of  JustusLipsius’ neostoicism. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 95-101.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the neostoicism of Justus Lipsius (1547–1606) in order to show that there is a set of reasons for the renovation and institutionalization of any philosophical school: the historical context, education, community, personality and biography of its leader. As for Justus Lipsius, a philologist and publisher of ancient texts (Tacitus, Seneca), the following factors influenced. Since Lipsius lived in turbulent times (the 16th century was marked by the Reformation and religious wars), he could not help but pay attention to Stoic philosophy, designed to give peace of mind in an unsettled world. Lipsius received an excellent education at a Jesuit college and at two universities–  Cologne  and  Louvain.  He  was  instilled  in a  love  of  ancient  literature  during  his  education,  which  predetermined  his  work.  He  was  an  outstanding  person  by  nature  and  was  formed  in  the  university  environment  and  in  the  intellectual  circles  of  his  time.  He  was,  for  instance,  a  member  of  the  Familists,  whose  founder  taught,  among  other  things,  the permissibility  of  changing  denominations.  Lipsius’s  interpretation  of  the  Stoic  doctrine  suggests  that  the  Stoics  came  closest to Christianity, unlike other ancient philosophers.All these factors determined the revival of Stoicism in the 16th century.


Stoics, neostoicism, Seneca, Justus Lipsius, philosophical school, historical context



Suvorkina,   T.   M.,   Afonasin,   E.   V.   (2020). Prodicus   of   Keos.   Fragments   and   Testimonia. Respublica Literaria. Vol.  1. no.  2. pp.102-119.


Prodicus of Ceos was rightfully considered one of the most famous sophists of his time. His interest in language learning, which resulted in a method of comparing synonymous words to determine their exact meaning and identify  differences,  may  have  been  due  to  the  skepticism  of  his  contemporaries  about  what  can  be  considered  real  as  well  as  a  form  of  moral  relativism,  arising  from  such  views.  One  may  say  that  Prodicus  had  a  profound  influence  on  Socrates, and his insistence on identifying differences between words of almost identical meaning prompted Socrates to adopt his own approach to philosophy, centered on precise definitions of various moral issues. The present publication contains a collection of scant doxographic evidence about Prodicus’ life and writings.


sophistics, history of linguistics, rhetoric, persuasion



Zazulina, M. R. (2020). Formation of life support systems for rural ethno-local communities in the context of modernization (on the example of ethno-local communities of Tatars in the Novosibirsk region). Respublica Literaria. Т. 1. No 2. pp.120-132.


Based on the materials of field research of ethnolocal communities of Tatars living compactly in rural areas  of  the  Novosibirsk  region  the  features  of  their  economic  adaptation  to  the  processes  of  social  modernization  are  considered. The characteristics of the main elements of the modern life support system are given, and the regularities of its  transformation  are  revealed.  It  is  concluded  that  the  basic principle  of  formation  of  life  support  systems  in  rural  ethno-local communities of Tatars at the present stage is the diversification of economic practices. It manifests itself as a combination of the maximum number of available modern and traditional practices, which allows the community to adapt to regularly changing conditions. At the same time, the entire structure of economic practices is in the process of continuous transformation.


ethnolocal     communities,     rural     communities,     life-support     system,     economic     practices,     transformation, modernization, diversification.



Lbova  E.  M.(2020).  The  present  and  the  future  of  Russian  higher  education  shown  through  university typology. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 133-140.


In the article, through the study of various typologies of universities, the current state and the future of Russian higher education are assessed. There are different approaches to the classification of higher education institutions:classical, which views the university through the history; an approach that systematizes higher education institutions by belonging to a particular cultural tradition; economic approach. The authors of the typologies offer two opposite points of view regarding the future of the Russian university. According to the first point of view, the existing university system must be completely reformed. Supporters of the second one suggest adjusting the existing system to the requirements of modern  society.  Due  to  the  analysis,  we  concluded  that  a  hybrid  option  is  more  suitable  for  Russia,  in  which  gradual  changes allow preserving the advantages of Russian education and minimize the disadvantages.


higher education, university, typology, classification, transformation, Russia.For  citation: 



Podoynitsyna, I. I. (2020). Private universities and elite formation in Russia: Yakut case. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 141-149.


The article is devoted to the problem of functioning of private universities in society, determining their place  in  the  educational  process.  A  parallel  is  drawn  with  the  work  of  private  educational  institutions  in  the  United  States, which have a glorious history of development dating back to the XVII century. The author of the article relies on the analysis of special literature on this issue, identifies success factors of American universities and “failure factors” of private  universities  in  Yakutia,  and  also  refers  to  a  large-scale  sociological  study  of  graduates  of  the  M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern  Federal  University.  Research  conducted  under  his  leadership  (Yakutsk,  469  respondents,  2016,  2017,  2018). The Author concludes that the history of private universities in Russia, which began in the 90s of the twentieth century,  is  quite  dramatic.  Branches  of  the  capital's  private  universities  operating  in  the  province  are  at  the  greatest disadvantage  today.  The  current  situation  requires  a  detailed  sociological  analysis,  a  comparative  analysis  of  the  performance  of  public  and  private universities and identification of the pros and cons of non-state universities on this basis, in order to develop recommendations for correcting the situation.


Harvard,  Ivy  League,  success  factors,  Yakut  Institute  of  Economics,  Saint  Petersburg  University  of  management technologies and Economics, Social climbers, “failure factors”



Ayazbekova, S. Sh. (2020). Tengrism and dual faith of the turkic-mongolian peoples. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 150-165.


The  article  is  dedicated  to  the  analysis  of  the  spread  of  Buddhism,  Christianity  and  Islam  among  the  Turkic-Mongol peoples that have originally professed Tengrism. Contemporary revival of Tengrism manifests itself both institutionally (via state and public support) and in everyday practice as the continuation of a living cultural tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation for a millennia and has been seen as a worldview, a way of life and a  life  guidance.  The  author  concludes  that  Tengrism  has  ensured  preservation  of  identity,  stability  and  integrity  of  the  Turkic-Mongolian  world  within  the  phenomenon  of  dual  faith,  while  the  spread  of  Buddhism,  Christianity  and  Islam  have set the dynamics of its development on the basis of intercivilizational interaction.


Turkic-Mongolian world, Nomadic world civilization, Settled world civilization, Tengrism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, dual faith



Kim,  I.  E.,  Ilina,  D.  V.  (2020).  The  invisible  opponent:  a  hidden  discussion  in  a  linguistic  popular  science article. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 1. no. 2. pp. 166-183.


This article is devoted to the description of the linguistic means by which the author of a popular science article introduces into it the position of an “inexperienced reader”. Six popular science articles on linguistic topics were used as a source of material for the research. With the methods of studies of reference, semantic syntax and poetics of a literary text, the techniques of introducing an ordinary worldview of the “invisible opponent” of the author-scientist (or a knowledgeable journalist) were analyzed, in which the author represents a potential inexperienced reader of the article. As a result of the study, it was found that the authors use various means of implicitness, including presuppositions, implicit change of point of view, games with the reference of pronouns and nouns, in order to solve a complex collision of the “addressee factor”: criticizing the views that form the reader's everyday picture of the world, do not present explicit the reader himself as his opponent.


implicitness,   everyday   and   scientific   picture   of   the   world,   genre   of   popular   science   articles,   authorization, reference, point of view, personal pronoun, figurative meaning of a person







Vol. 2. No. 1 (2021)


Anikina,  A.  B.,  Kaulin,  A.  L.  (2021). The  Historiography  and  the  Politics  of  Memory. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 5-13.


The  prevailing  opinion  among  the  scholars  is  that  history  as  a  study  should  determine  the  politics  of  memory and serve as a model for the narratives of collective identity. However, it should be remembered that memory and history,  despite  their  close  relationship,  have  different  goals  and  realize  different  functions  in  society.  Historical  science cannot define the collective memory, but must participate in shaping the politics of memory. The task of historical politics is precisely to cut off multiplicity in order to provide an opportunity for action, while the task of historical science as a whole is to preserve and increase the potential of multiplicity to provide a wide choice of possible actions.


theory of history, politics of memory, collective memory, P. Ricoeur, narrative template, recollection



Afonasin, E. V. (2021). Philodemus on the Old Academy (“History of the academic philosophers”, col. V–XVI). Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 14-27.


The paper offers a Russian translation of the portion of the “History of the philosophers” by Philodemus, available in two Herculaneum papyri (PHerc. 1021 and PHerc. 164), which deals with the history of the Old Academy (col. V–XVI, and some supplements). This important source, translated and commented in the article, highlights the most interesting biographical details of the heirs of Plato, Speusippus, Xenocrates, Polemo, Crates, and Crantor, whose activity ranges from 347 to 274 BCE.  


the history of scientific and educational institutes, philosophical biographies, Athens



Berestov,  I.  V.  (2021).  Does  Contemporary  Analysis  of  Difficulties  with  Zeno  Sequences  Contain  a Solution to the Dichotomy? Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 28-36.


We analyze contemporary thought experiments with some Zeno objects and infinity machines. We show how the method of reasoning from J. Hawthorne’s paper helps to understand the structure of one of the refutations of a rather sophisticated version of Zeno’s of Elea Dichotomy. After that, we propose an improvement of this version of the Dichotomy. Further, we show that the method of operating with infinite sequences of conditional sentences – proposed in J. Hawthorne’s paper – is insufficient to refute the last variant of the Dichotomy. 


Zeno of Elea, the Dichotomy, machines of infinity, Zeno objects, mereological sum, continuum, open interval, completing of an infinite sequence of acts.



Domanov, O.A. (2021). Fuzzy Type Theory in the Analysis of Argumentation. RespublicaLiteraria. Vol.2. no.1. pp.37-47.


The article deals with a fazzy variant of P.Martin-Löf’s intuitionistic type theory. It presents the overviewof fuzzy type theory rules and an example of its application to the analysis of the persuasiveness of argumentation. Inthe latter, the truth values of fuzzy logic are interpreted as degrees of persuasiveness of statements and arguments. Theformalization is implemented in the proof assistant Agda.


theory of argumentation, type theory, fuzzy logic.



Moiseeva,  A.  Yu.  (2021).  The  role  of  the  concept  of  performativity  in  the  context  of  indirect  communication research. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 1. рр. 48-61.


The article traces one of the lines of influence of the analytic philosophy of language on the humanities, in  particular,  on  linguistics  –  the  line  that  is  associated  with  the  perception  of  the  concept  of  performativity  and  the  corresponding  view  of  language  in  studies  of  indirect  communication.  The  distinction  between  illocutionary  and  perlocutionary speech act formulated by J. Austin is applied to the case of indirect communication, as a result of which it is  concluded  that  the  performative  properties  of  language  can  manifest  themselves  not  only  in  illocution,  but  also  in  perlocution. It is shown that many examples of indirect communication function like performatives – the concept of an indirect  performative  is  introduced  to  denote  them  –  and  can  be  described  from  the  point  of  view  of  a  performative  approach.


indirect communication, performativity, language games, Speech Act theory



Smirnov, S. A.  (2021).  Philosophical  Davos  as  a  reason for  divorce.  M. Fridman’s  version.  Part 1. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 62-83.


The  paper  analyzes  the  intellectual  situation  that  developed  in  the  1920s,  which  led  to  what  later  became  known  as  a  philosophical  split  into  two  directions  –  continental  and  analytical  philosophy.  The author  poses  a problem: was this a split associated with the division of philosophy into scientifically oriented philosophy, on the one hand,  and  metaphysics,  on  the  other?  Or  is  this  division  quite  controversial?  Using  the  example  of  a  famous  episode,  a philosophical discussion between Е. Cassirer and M. Heidegger in Davos in 1929, the author discusses another split in philosophy:  into  the  so-called  classical  way  of  philosophizing  based  on  spiritual  tradition  (represented  by  E. Cassirer) and  the  so-called  non-classical,  represented  by  M. Heidegger.  In this  regard,  the  topic  of  the  development  and overcoming of the neo-Kantian tradition, the topic of understanding the basic ideas of the philosophy of I. Kant, but in a  new  cultural  situation  is discussed.  In  his  analysis,  the  author  proceeds  from  the  version  proposed  in  the  book  by  M. Friedman: “Philosophy at a Crossroads: Carnap, Cassirer and Heidegger”.


philosophical  Davos,  continental  philosophy,  analytical  philosophy,  E. Cassirer,  M. Heidegger,  neo-Kantianism, I. Kant, M. Friedman



Madyukova, S. A. (2021). Place and role of ethnic traditions in the socio-cultural space. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 84-94.


The article analyzes approaches to the study of sociocultural space, with a focus on the potential of the concept of “social space” in ethnosociological research. Its most important components have been identified: social and cultural space. The specific function of social space is fixed, namely, the preservation of the structure of social institutions, within  which  social  interactions  take  place.  When  analyzing  the  cultural  space,  it  was  shown  that  cultural  specificity  is  most clearly manifested in ethnic cultures (ethnocultures), the semantic core of which is tradition. The author comes to the conclusion that the totality of social and cultural processes is localized within certain territorial boundaries and is a socio-cultural  superstructure  over  the  landscape  and  climatic  space.  Spatial  development  of  territories  is  possible  in  a situation of maintaining the meaningful uniqueness of the cultural space (realized, first of all, in traditions) within the boundaries of a single social, legal and economic space. social space determines, to a certain extent, the universality of the form (through social institutions and structures), and cultural space determines the content specificity of the socioculturalspace.


sociocultural space, social space, cultural space, ethnoculture, tradition.



Persidskaya,  O.  A.  (2021).  Influence  of  ethnic  identity  on  representations  about  interethnic  integration: to statement of the problem. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 1. рр. 95-103.


The  author  fixes  the  main  trends  associated  with  the  study  of  the  phenomena  of  ethnic  identity  and  interethnic integration in social philosophy and identifies gaps that could be filled by expanding of their interpretation. It is  recorded  that  in  a  significant part of the research, the phenomena are considered separately. Thus, ethnic identity is  expressed  as  a  one-dimensional  parameter,  part  of  the  “identification  matrix”  of  an  individual.  Studies  devoted  to  interethnic integration are often aimed at identifying mechanisms for achieving an abstract desired image – a multiethnic community  with  a  high  degree  of  integration  of  its  members,  who  clearly  and  most  often  unambiguously  realize  their  ethnic  identity.  Despite  the  obvious  interrelation  of  the  phenomena  under  consideration,  there  are  very  few  studies,  dedicated  to  the  influence  of  ethnic  identity  on  interethnic  integration.  It  is  shown  that  it  is  important  to  rethink  the  phenomenon of ethnic identity in terms of its fluidity, multiplicity, fragmentation, non-reflection, complexity as a basis for  the  formation  of  ideas  about  strategies  and  ideas  about  acceptable  for  the  individual  mechanisms  of  interethnic  integration. It is also relevant to study the influence of ethnic identity on the ideas of interethnic integration in the multi-ethnic communities of modern large cities.


ethnic identity, interethnic integration, theoretical and methodological foundations.



Shmakov,  V.  S.  (2021).  Global  and  local: socio-cultural  aspect.  Respublica Literaria.  Vol.  2. no.  1. pp. 104-117.


The  article  deals  with  the  problems  of  socio-cultural  changes  associated  with  globalization  processes.  The   sociocultural   approach   explains   the   trends   in   the   transformation   of   the   sociocultural   space,   sociocultural   environment. In the context of globalization, a paradigm of nonlinearity, locality in the sphere of sociocultural life is being formed.  One  of  the  main  tools  of  globalization  is  sociocultural  expansion,  which  contributes  to  the  unification  of  sociocultural development. The combination of the global and the local in the evolution of the sociocultural sphere creates a dual situation in the anagenesis of the sociocultural space. Globality enhances the impact of liberal-modernist values. Locality  favors  the  preservation  of  the  influence  of  traditional  and  conservative  values.  The  vector  of  socio-cultural development of Russian society has not been determined.


globalization,  locality,  socio-cultural  development,  socio-cultural  interaction,  space,  environment,  identity



Satybaldiyeva, J.  (2021). Phenomenology  of  cinema  in  philosophy  of  postmodernism. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 1. рр. 118-128.


The  article  focuses  on  the  issue  of  phenomenon  of  cinema  in  works  of  Jean-Francois  Lyotard,  Henri  Bergson, Roland Barth, Michel Foucault and Jean Baudrillard.Postmodern  methodology  allows  one  to  view  cinema  as  a  “deconstruction”  of  both  cultural  and  socio-political discourse.   Based   on   the   analysis   of   the   works   of   philosophers,   the   author   generalizes   the   phenomenological   characteristics  of  the  cinema  of  postmodernism,  such  as  the  hypnotic  ritualism  of  cinema;  devaluation  of  meta-narratives; and appeal to the absolute “banal” and “hyper-realities”. It is noted that the spread of postmodern tendencies in modern cinema is manifested in drama, imagery, stylistics, montage and other components of the creative process.The  author  concludes  that  Jean-Francois  Lyotard,  Henri  Bergson,  Roland  Barthes,  Michel  Foucault  and  Jean  Baudrillard have laid the foundations for understanding the unity of philosophy and cinema in the modern world.


postmodernism, philosophy, cinematography, cinema, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Henri Bergson, Michel Foucault, Roland Barth and Jean Baudrillard



Petrov,  V.  V.,  Ablazhey,  A.  M.,  Lbova,  E. M.,  Persidskaya,  O.  A.  (2021).  Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge in the Digital Environment. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 129-135.


The  article  presents  an  overview  of  the  speeches  of  the  participants  of  the  All-Russian  Scientific  Conference  "From  idea  to  practice:  Socio-humanitarian  Knowledge  in  the  digital  environment",  held  in  Novosibirsk  Akademgorodok  on  March  24-25,  2021.  The  leitmotif  of  the  speeches  of  the  conference  participants  was  the  idea  of  cooperation  and  interdisciplinary  interaction  of  representatives  of  natural  science  and  socio-humanitarian  areas  in  the  conditions of the formation of the digital environment.


digitalization, personality, society, interdisciplinary practices






Vol. 2. No. 2 (2021)


Brovkin, V. V. (2021). The representations on the contemplative and active life in early hellenistic philosophy. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 2. рр. 5-17.


It is established that the question of the preferred way of life was actualized in the early Hellenistic philosophy. For many philosophers, the contemplative and the active life were equivalent. This position was held by Demetrius of Phalerum, early Stoics, probably Xenocrates and Menedemus of Eretria. Dicaearchus preferred an active life. Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Epicurus preferred the contemplative life. Unlike Aristotle and Theophrastus, Epicurus viewed the contemplative life not as an end, but only as a means of achieving serenity. It was also found that the high value of active life in early Hellenistic philosophy was due to the preservation of the polis system and the formation of Hellenistic monarchies, which opened up wide opportunities for philosophers to participate in political activities. The desire for a contemplative life was associated with the crisis of the polis system.


contemplative life, active life, early Hellenism, Polis, Aristotle, peripatetics, early stoics, Epicurus.



Volf, M. N. (2021). “The book of sects and creeds” by al-Shahrastani as an ismaili source: switch the paradigm in history of philosophy. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 2. рр. 18-34.


Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Karīm al-Shahrastani is a well-known source in the West about Islamic and non-Islamic religious teachings. His “Book on Sects and Creeds” has so far been considered in the history of philosophy among the Asharite doxographic works. At present, the evaluation of this work in the history of philosophy is radically changing: from the Asharite doxography its evaluation is shifted to the opposite pole – Isma’ili heresiography. The paper presents historical and biographical facts, as well as a brief description of the main works that allow us to include al-Shahrastani in the Isma’ili context. It analyzes the Shahrastani's preface to Kitab al-milal wa-n-nihal, which clearly shows the coherence of this section, including the methodology and structure of the treatise indicated by the author himself, with other Isma’ili books, in particular with the “Chapter on Shaytan” from Kitab al-Shajar Abu Tammam.

Using the example of the switching of this book evaluations, we want to argue against the point of view that insists on the conservatism of the philosophical canon ostensibly created and observed by the history of philosophy, and to show that the history of philosophy research, although it depends on speculative interpretations, is fundamentally an empirical work, essentially dependent on the facts which role played by the sources, and the decisive factor in changing the "paradigm" in history of philosophy or the philosophical canon is primarily our trust in the sources and their careful reading in various contexts.


al-Shahrastani, “The Book of Sects and Creeds”, Muslim doxography, history of Arabic philosophy, Isma’iliyah, Satan.



Rozov, N. S. (2021). Revolution and humanistic meaning of history. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. No 2. С. 35-49.  


The role of social revolutions is considered in two interrelated contexts: the meaning of history and modernization. The meaning of history is interpreted as a success of the historical selftest of humanity in building large intra- and interstate systems of formal institutions and organizations (Gesellschaft) that would provide the most favourable conditions for the development of various small informal, based on trust and solidarity communities (Gemeinschaft) and for a full value (free, worthy and meaningful) life of individuals of the current and future generations. This global historical self-test needs to overcome the harsh obstacles: from scarcity of resources to group selfishness, inescapable temptations to hegemony, conflict, violence, and exploitation. Modernization with its five main lines occurs to be extremely significant for the historical success of the global self-test. Bureaucratization and capitalist industrialization are ambiguous, while secularization, democratization and ensuring of creative freedom fully correspond to the meaning of history thus understood. Revolutions interact with the main lines of modernization in a complicated way. They destroy old bureaucracies and create new ones, lead to secularization or its reversal, contribute to the development of capitalism or destroy the markets of the capital, labour and land, lead societies to democracy or to even greater authoritarianism, open up freedom to cultural creation or suppress it. Revolutions are the most effective but also the most controversial phenomena, both in terms of modernization and in terms of the meaning of history as a global self-test of the human race.

Key words:

social revolutions, the meaning of history, social evolution, modernization, bureaucracy, secularization, capitalism, industrialization, democratization, Gesellschaft, Gemeinschaft, humanism, freedom, dignity.



Smirnov, S. A. (2021). Philosophical Davos as a reason for divorce. M. Fridman’s version. Part 2. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 50-73.


This article is a continuation of the previous publication published under the same title (part 1). Both parts are devoted to the problem of understanding the split that once occurred in world philosophy and was embodied in the division of philosophy into two directions, continental and analytical philosophy. In the second part, the author continues to discuss the reasons for the split and the argumentation cited by various authors, proving the conceptual difference of directions. The article analyzes the main ideas of the authors of the Vienna Circle Manifesto and the argumentation of R. Carnap in his dispute with M. Heidegger, the subject of which is devoted to the so-called overcoming of metaphysics. The reason for writing both parts was the work of M. Fridman “Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer and Heidegger”, translated into Russian. The result of the second part is the conclusions formulated by the author of the article regarding the difference between the named directions. The author believes that it makes sense to discuss their differences not in the categories of truth and falsity of teachings and concepts, but in the categories of different orientations and attitudes, which do not deny but complement each other. On the one hand, analytical philosophy claims to be scientific orientation, clear and precise language, logic and mathematics. In contrast to it, continental philosophy does not pretend to be scientific, to a clear and precise language, but prefers innuendo, rejection of doctrinalism, and the exploratory nature of philosophizing.

Key words:

philosophical Davos, continental philosophy, analytical philosophy, E. Cassirer, M. Heidegger, R. Carnap, neo-Kantianism, I. Kant, M. Friedman, Vienna circle.



Vinokurova, A. V., Adiev, A. Z. (2021). Family and work in the system of value orientations of Dagestan residents. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 2. pp. 74-85.


The paper presents the main aspects related to the implementation of the value orientations of the residents of Dagestan in the field of family and professional and labour activity, which are considered in the context of the basic characteristics that determine the socio-economic development of this region. The study was carried out mainly based on quantitative methods, including the analysis of official statistics data and the results of a questionnaire survey (n=170) conducted with the direct participation of the authors in 2020. Our research has shown that Daghestanis are mainly focused on family and material well-being. The desire to improve their well-being and the well-being of their family encourages the formation of professional and labour orientations that provide for a stable, permanent, well-paid job with career prospects.


regional development, Republic of Daghestan, socio-economic processes, level and quality of life, social well-being, value orientations, family, work.



Vinokurova, A. V., Adiev, A. Z. (2021). Family and work in the system of value orientations of Dagestan residents. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 2. pp. 74-85.


The paper presents the main aspects related to the implementation of the value orientations of the residents of Dagestan in the field of family and professional and labour activity, which are considered in the context of the basic characteristics that determine the socio-economic development of this region. The study was carried out mainly based on quantitative methods, including the analysis of official statistics data and the results of a questionnaire survey (n=170) conducted with the direct participation of the authors in 2020. Our research has shown that Daghestanis are mainly focused on family and material well-being. The desire to improve their well-being and the well-being of their family encourages the formation of professional and labour orientations that provide for a stable, permanent, well-paid job with career prospects.


regional development, Republic of Daghestan, socio-economic processes, level and quality of life, social well-being, value orientations, family, work.



Farnika, M., Nowosad, I. (2021). Is it Possible to Develop Entrepreneurship at School? Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 2. pp. 98-112.


Entrepreneurship will make it possible for young people to adapt to the employment market and participate in not only professional but also social and personal adult life effectively and satisfactorily. This article aimed to emphasize the way of developing entrepreneurship in the educational practice. The base of reflection as Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Karney’s definition of entrepreneurship. These approaches may open schools as environments for the coordination of all processes hidden in their culture on the way to effectiveness.

The category of entrepreneurship understood as a personal and organizational feature, an attitude, an activity mode, and a path of individual and institutional development were considered. When introducing challenges connected with the development of Entrepreneurship, some tools were described which make it possible to evaluate the changes taking place in the didactic process. This means that reflection on the process of development of must appears in various implementation spaces. It would be observable both at the level of individual development (students’ and teachers’ competencies), about activities undertaken within an organization, as well as changes in organizational climate and overall educational environment.


cultural factors, innovation, entrepreneurship, school, teachers.


Abakumova, E. B. (2021). Rights of persons with disabilities in the sphere of labor and employment in the Novosibirsk region. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 2. pp. 113-120.


The low level of employment of disabled people in the Novosibirsk region shows that in the region there is a need to develop additional legal instruments that ensure the implementation of the right to work of this category of citizens. The measures proposed in this study to increase the employment of persons with disabilities are based on the practical experience of other subjects of the Russian Federation and countries, and also take into account the peculiarities of the labour potential of persons with disabilities.


disabled people, employment, job quotas, small business.


Artemova, A. N. (2021). Legal fiction: methods of application in the civil law of the Russian Federation. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 2. рр. 121-130.


The article examines the essence of legal fiction. Based on an analysis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the author has established ways of using legal fiction in civil law. It has been substantiated that legal fiction finds expression in the construction of a legal entity and the institution of fictitious transactions. Legal fiction is used to extend the legal regime of one object to another object, as well as the legal status of one subject to another subject. Legal fiction is used when it is necessary to overcome a situation of legal uncertainty, to recognize as real non- existent circumstances to restore the violated rights of persons who have suffered as a result of the actions of unscrupulous participants in civil-law transactions. Finally, the method of legal fiction is widely used by the legislator the legal economy. As a result of the study, a conclusion was made about the importance of legal fiction for the process of lawmaking.


legal fiction, legal entity, the doctrine of "piercing the corporate veil", fictitious transactions, mock transaction, sham transaction.






Vol. 2. No. 3 (2021)


Afonasin, E.V. (2021). Philodemus on the Skeptical Academy (“History of the academic philosophers”, col. V–XVI). Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 3. pp. 5-19.


The paper offers a Russian translation of the portion of the “History of the philosophers” by Philodemus, available in two Herculaneum papyri (PHerc. 1021 and PHerc. 164), which deals with the history of the New (Skeptical) Academy (col. XVII–XXXVI, and some supplements). This important source, translated and commented in the article, helps to understand the history of the so-called New (Skeptical) Academy of Arcesilaus of Pythane, Lacydes, Carneades, Clitomachus and Philo of Larissa, and concludes with an important biography of Antiochus of Ascalon (268 to 84 BCE).


the history of scientific and educational institutes, philosophical biographies, Athens.


Butakov, P. A. (2021). Divine Hiddenness and Human Consciousness. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 3. pp. 20-31.


The paper offers a new strategy for refuting the atheistic hiddenness argument. For that, the argument is modified on the account of the actual epistemic situation in our world. As a result, the success of the modified argument hinges on the truth of the supposition that divine-human loving relationship depends on whether the human had a convincing religious experience of the divine presence and whether the human possesses the capability to recognize this experience as their participation in the relationship with God. This supposition, however, is shown to be unfounded. Moreover, this supposition entails that many people who lack the necessary cognitive abilities to be conscious of their relationship with God are thus unfit for this relationship, which disagrees with the idea of all-encompassing divine love. A successful rebuttal of this supposition results in a refutation of the hiddenness argument.


divine hiddenness, Schellenberg, personal relationships, love, religious ambiguity, religious experience.



Domanov, O. A. (2021). On Type-Theoretical Formalization of Situation Semantics. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 3. pp. 32-41.


Situation semantics is an effective instrument for analysing semantical aspects of natural languages with explicit dependence on contexts, like referential opacity of belief contexts etc. Making use of type-theoretical approaches not only makes its formalism more practical in many ways, but also facilitates its migration to computer systems, specifically, the formalization in functional programming languages. The article deals with a prototype of the type theoretical language of situation semantics, implemented on the basis of the language Racket. It decribes principal approaches, methods of solving some problems of formal semantics as well as issues that need to be addressed.


situation semantics, type theory, functional languages.


Rodin, K. A. (2021). Bakhtin and Rene Girard on Dostoevsky: Comparative Analysis. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 3. рр. 42-51.  


The article provides a critical comparison of two independent interpretations of F. M. Dostoevsky: from the side of M. Bakhtin and from the side of Rene Girard. Both authors have created coherent ways of understanding and reading the literary heritage of the writer in the perspective of their own understanding of the history of literature and the intellectual history of mankind as such. Dostoevsky is significant for Bakhtin not simply as an illustration of the applicability of some of his own ideas within the framework of literary criticism. Bakhtin sees Dostoevsky as an innovator in the development of the menippea genre and an unprecedented dialogization of literature. At the same time, without Dostoevsky, the movement of literature postulated by Girard towards the embodiment of the Gospel revelation would be incomplete. The incompleteness of Girard or Bakhtin without Dostoevsky (with all the reservations) is not fundamental. Without Dostoevsky, history as such fundamentally changes for Girard and for Bakhtin. The apparent incomparability of the authors makes it possible to read Dostoevsky differently. From the context of Girard, the meaning of Bakhtin's works and, inevitably, the meaning of laughter and dialogue (polyphony) in history are significantly transformed. On the other hand, the ways of including Dostoevsky in the image of history created by Girard, independently of Bakhtin, also run into difficulties.


Dostoevsky, Bakhtin, Girard, underground consciousness, polyphony, menippea, the Grand Inquisitor.



Sanzhenakov, A. A. (2021). Stoic Ethics Through the Eyes of Skeptics. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 3. рр. 52-60.


The article evaluates the skeptical criticism of Stoic ethics. The author of the article notes some weak points of the Skeptics’ argumentation. Thus, skeptics have questioned that the Thus, Skeptics argued that the Stoics misidentified the good in itself. As evidence, Skeptics pointed to disagreement among dogmatists on this issue. The author of the article argues that such an argument is not decisive and cannot discredit the position of the Stoics. Skeptics could strengthen their criticism by proposing a procedure for verifying the good in itself, but in that case, they themselves would become dogmatists. Another line of skeptical criticism is connected with the thesis about the highest good, as such an object of choice, which should be chosen for its own sake. Skeptics argue that if such an object of choice exists, then it contains a contradiction in itself. Since we choose the good for its own sake, insofar as we are not interested in the subject, but in the choice itself, therefore, we must avoid the good, because after receiving it we will be deprived of the opportunity to choose it. This contradiction is eradicated by the Aristotelian concept of energeia, which was inherited and developed by the Stoics in its own way. The contradiction between the Stoics and Skeptics is most clearly manifested in their discussion of the theory of action, from which it can be concluded that disagreements between these schools exist not only at the theoretical, but also at the worldview level.


Stoics, Skeptics, Arkesilaus, Chrysippus, ethics, philosophical discussion, Middle Academy, Stoa.


Ablazhey, A.M. (2021). Scientist's Professional Identity: Factors and Patterns of Transformation. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 3. рр. 61-72.  


The article is devoted to the analysis of factors and patterns of transformation the professional identity of scientists on the example of modern Russian science. The analysis was carried out on the basis of both secondary and primary sociological data. As the primary sociological data were used the materials of quantitative and qualitative research carried out in scientific centers of the SB RAS in the period from the end of the 1990s to the end of the 2010s. It is concluded that the leading factor for the transformation of the professional identity of Russian scientists was, first of all, a sharp change in the attitude towards science on the part of society and the state. We can say about the crisis in these relations is evident, which was reflected in a sharp drop of economic and social status of science. In addition, we are also talking about the weakening of the science’s cognitive role in culture. Three post-Soviet decades have shown that science, as a rule, found ways to successfully adapt to a constantly changing situation, primarily a change in the course of state scientific policy.


science, the Russian scientific community, transformation, professional identity, adaptation



Vinokurova, A. V., Ardalyanova, A. Yu. (2021). Where and Why are the Far Easterners Going (Based on Materials from Primorye Territory). Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 3. рр. 73-84.  


The paper presents the main aspects of the formation of migration attitudes and the implementation of migration strategies of residents of the Primorsky Territory. The research was carried out using quantitative and qualitative sociological methods. The analysis of official statistics data was supplemented by the results of interviews. The main data collection method is informal interviews; fieldwork was carried out in the spring of 2021. Our research has shown that the migration outflow from Primorye continues. The main centers of attraction are the cities of central Russia, which are capable of providing a higher level and quality of life and having a more developed infrastructure. Further development of Primorye, which could stimulate return migration, should be associated with the functioning of large enterprises, the availability of jobs with decent wages, and the development of a recreational complex.


Far East, Primorye, migration, socio-economic processes, level and quality of life, social well-being, regional development.



Persidskaya, O. A. (2021). Forms of Ethnic Identity and Strategies of Interethnic Integration of Young People in the Urban Community. Analysis of the Results of the Study. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 3. рр. 85- 103.


The article provides an analysis of the results of a sociological study conducted in the form of interviews with Novosibirsk residents aged 14 to 19 years. The study was aimed at identifying the forms of ethnic identity in modern youth and the relationship of these forms with the strategies of interethnic integration. It is shown that different combinations of indicators of the severity and valence of ethnic identity form a set of forms of ethnic identity. This allows us to get away from a one-dimensional interpretation of this phenomenon. The identified forms of ethnic identity differ both in the content of what is invested in the understanding of one's own ethnic identity and in the choice of strategies for interethnic interaction. Based on the analysis of the research results, three forms of ethnic identity are described: pronounced, nominal and distant. It is shown that an intercultural and culturally oriented strategy of interethnic interaction corresponds to a pronounced form of ethnic identity, and an omniculturalism to a distant form.


ethnic identity, interethnic integration, interviews, youth, multiethnic community.



Izgarskaya, A. A., Lysenko, S. S. Heuristic Capabilities of I. Wallerstein's Model of Peripheralization of Societies: Summarizing Criticisms. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 3. pp. 104-120.


The article summarizes the results of criticism of I. Wallerstein's model of peripheralization, carried out at different times by foreign researchers who used this model to interpret processes in pre-capitalist systems and societies. On this basis, the authors formulate a number of requirements for the subsequent development of a theoretical model of relations between the core and the periphery of the world-system approach of I. Wallerstein. The authors believe that the results of the study may be relevant for the analysis of societies undergoing a process of peripheralization in the post-Soviet space and, in particular, Russia.


world-system approach, core of the world-system, periphery, peripheralization, resistance of societies, exploitation, co-evolution.



Siniukova, N. A. (2021) Human Being in Norm and Pathology: Towards the Question of Expertise in Medicine. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 3. рр. 121-132.  


The article discusses a problem of a change in habitual paradigms of human being understanding in medicine within the progress of medical science and practice. The prevalence of natural scientific principles in medical expertise is becoming ineffective; medicine is losing its subject – a human being in norm and pathology. The awareness of the consequences of an object-oriented attitude contributed to the development of new notions about the subject of medicine, fixed in a socio-cultural and, later, person-oriented approaches in scientific understanding of human being in norm and pathology, as well as the development of practices aimed at protecting humans from interference. As a result, a new form of expertise is emerging in medicine – ethical expertise, aimed at protecting a human being. However, in the process of ethical expertise evolution, as the author shows, a shift has taken place towards bureaucratic management, oriented to proceduralism and efficiency. Moreover, ethical expertise continues to use socio-cultural approach as its methodological basis, which is not sufficient within the new situation of blurring boundary between norm and pathology. A human being himself as an object of expertise is disappearing.


humanistic paradigm, a human in norm and pathology, border between norm and pathology, sociocultural approach, ethical expertise.



Smirnov, S. A. (2021). University: Genesis and Transformation of an Idea. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 3. рр. 133-152.  


The article is devoted to the birth and transformation of the Idea of the University as an institutional form within the German spiritual culture of the 19th – 20th centuries. The author traces the history of the Idea of the University from the works of I. Kant (through the prism of his idea of the Enlightenment), then in the works of W. von Humboldt, the attempt to revive the Idea in the works of K. Jaspers, and the death of the idea during Nazism on the example of the “Heidegger case” The article specifically examines the basic principles of the University of W. von Humboldt – academic freedom and unity of science and education. The latter is considered not in a narrow academic sense, but in the classical – the formation of a person's image, chasing his appearance. W. von Humboldt assumed the unity of three universes: the universe of man, the universe of knowledge and the university as an institution that creates conditions for “solitude and freedom”.

Further, the author shows the transformation of the university in the modern world in connection with the change in the time vector, the reorientation of the educational paradigm from the past to the future and the search, in this connection, of a new identity for universities. Despite the actual death of the classical idea of the University of W. von Humboldt, the author shows that this idea can be revived in a new model of an entrepreneurial university, which also contains the basic principle of W. von Humboldt, which presupposes a constant scientific search and the formation of a person for whom personal development remains a value.


university, idea of a university, science, education, W. von Humboldt, K. Jaspers, I. Kant, M. Heidegger, education, university models.



Lewis, D. C. (2021). Culture is a Process! Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 3. рр. 153-163.


Cultures change and are not static, so culture can be regarded as a process, not a state. Change can be produced by either internal or external factors, or a combination of both, so assumptions about cultures being in equilibrium are probably unrealistic. This paper considers ways in which ethnicity is commonly defined in terms of cultural markers: these overlap with one another within a culture or else, over time, can diverge from one another to such an extent that a new culture can be born.


ethnicity, culture, cultural change, language, religion.






Vol. 2. No. 4 (2021)


Afonasin, E. V. (2021). Monotheism in Late Antiquity. Theos Hypsistos and the Oracle of Apollo of Claros. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. pp. 5-15.  


Monotheism in Late Antiquity is a multidimensional topic. The article deals with only one aspect of the formation of monotheistic tendencies in Greco-Roman religious conceptions, both traditional pagan and Judeo-Christian, including "Judaizing" paganism and Gnosticism. Both folk cults (an epigraphically attested cult of the Theos Hypsistos) and the new monotheistic religion of the revived oracles (the inscription from Oenoanda and the Tübingen Theosophy 13) are considered. We also see how the eschatological and soteriological motifs characteristic of monotheistic religions are revealed in the context of a kind of philosophical ontology.


monotheism, Judaism, Christianity, Gnosticism, soteriology



Berdaus, S. V. (2021). The Concept of Kunstlehre in the Husserl’s Phenomenology. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. рр. 16-26.  


The article proposes a reconstruction of the Kunstlehre concept, which occupies an important place in the structural and disciplinary section of Husserl's phenomenology. The key point of the presented reconstruction is its separation from the traditional interpretation of Kunstlehre criticized by Husserl and the advancement of a new project that coordinates three levels – theoretical, normative and practical. The theoretical level (pure logic), being complementary to the normative level (pure norms of reason), forms the basis of the disciplines represented by the program of science of knowledge (Wissenschaftslehre). The scientific study program falls on the period of the so- called logicism of Husserl, regarding which there is an opinion in the research literature that it was interrupted by the founder of phenomenology immediately after the writing of the first volume of “Logical Investigations”. However, on the basis of textual arguments, we show that this program was extended by Husserl up to his last works. The nature of this expansion is related to the practical level of Kunstlehre (transcendental phenomenology). The main task of this level was to provide science and scientists with noetic conditions, i.e. skills of transcendental criticism of consciousness. It is suggested that the presented reconstruction of Kunstlehre shows the permanent development of the program of logicism by Husserl, and also demonstrates the connection of this program with transcendental phenomenology.


phenomenology, Husserl, logicism, Kunstlehre, critical thinking, pure logic, science of knowledge (Wissenschaftslehre), practical knowledge, theoretical knowledge.



Berestov, I. V. (2021). A Soundness Analysis of Zeno’s of Elea Dichotomy. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. рр. 27-42.  


We are studying three basic interpretations of the Dichotomy aporia, in which Zeno tries to prove the impossibility of movement. In all these interpretations, the key assumption is the dubious statement about the impossibility of performing an infinite sequence of actions in a finite time. However, we show that in the two interpretations of the Dichotomy it is possible to get rid of the dubious key assumption, replacing it with the seemingly much more reliable assumption that covering the distance is representable as a sequence of displacements. Our approach is based on the thesis proved by P. Benacerraf that completing an infinite sequence of movements in an interpretation of the Dichotomy is not sufficient to arrive to the end of the distance.


Zeno’s aporias, arguments against movement, Zeno’s Dichotomy, infinite sequences of acts, open interval, continuum, infinite divisibility, displacement, Benacerraf.



Borisov, E. V. (2021). On Edgington’s Formalization of the Principle of Knowability. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. pp. 43-51.  


The formalization of the principle of knowability suggested by Dorothy Edgington is examined. This formalization has been suggested as a solution to the Fitch problem. It is interesting in that it blocks the Fitch argument and, in informal reading, makes a clear and intuitively appealing sense. On the other hand, as is shown in the paper, the semantic theory behind this formalization has two significant gaps: 1) it does not define the interpretation of actuality operator, and 2) it does not define the semantic way of representing the agent’s knowledge. The main outcome of the papers is critical. It is to the effect that unless those gaps are filled, Edgington’s theory cannot count as a solution to the Fitch problem.


epistemic logic, the principle of knowability, the Fitch paradox, Edgington, situation semantics, actuality operator.



Brovkin V. V. The Influence of Socio-historical Development on Greek Philosophy in the Period of Early Hellenism: Statement of the Problem and Basic Approaches to its Solution. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. pp. 52-65.  


The article deals with the problem of the influence of the political development of Greece on the early Hellenistic philosophy. The main approaches to solving this problem are shown. The traditional approach goes back to G. W. F. Hegel and E. Zeller. This approach is based on the idea of changing the nature of Greek philosophy in the conditions of the formation of Hellenistic monarchies and the decline of the polis in the period of early Hellenism. The tendency to alienation of the individual from society comes to the fore in the philosophical teachings of Hellenism. Another approach, presented in the works of P. Hadot and E. Brown, is based on the position on the preservation of the polis in the period of early Hellenism and, as a result, the tendency to political activity in Greek philosophy. The one- sidedness of these approaches is shown.


Hellenistic Philosophy, Alienation of the Individual from Society, Political Activity, Hellenistic Monarchies, Polis, E. Zeller, A. F. Losev, P. Hadot, E. Brown



Gaparov, I.A. (2021). The Concept of Utility in Charles Sanders Peirce's Pragmatism. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. рр. 66-79.  


The relevance of the research topic is determined by the variety of speculative interpretations of the concept of utility, as a rule, unrelated to the scope of ideas about their practical application. In the context of solving the problem of the interrelation of theoretical and practical aspects of the concept of utility, an overview of the ways of its definition in the work of C.S. Pierce is given. The prerequisites for the emergence of a synthetic understanding of the utility are considered. A critique of the political economic and utilitarian teachings is undertaken, in which the utility is understood as: 1) the ability of a good or commodity to satisfy any human need; 2) the guiding principle for the pursuit of social happiness. As a conclusion, attention is drawn to the actual Peirce definition of utility, consistent with the "unity of apperception", according to which something is recognized as useful (or possessing it) if, when exposed to a thinking being, it causes a reaction consistent with the expected consequences from it.


utility, utilitarianism, pragmatism, belief, habit, mind, instinct, Charles Sanders Peirce



Golovko, N. V. (2021). W. Quine, Naturalization, Skepticism and Conceptual Change Problem. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. pp. 80-92.  


The paper aims to show the relationship between the W. Alston’s idea about the formal independence of the contexts of “being justified” and of “knowing that one is justified” and the means to overcome the problems of skepticism within the naturalized epistemology by W. Quine. Based on some works – “From a Logical Point of View” (1963), “The Ways of Paradox” (1966), “Ontological Relativity” (1969) etc. – an attempt is made to reconstruct close to the text the possible answers that W. Quine may give to the skeptical challenge of the problem of justification ofstandards of justification and of the “conceptual change” problem. It is shown that W.Quine's response to the skeptical “challenge to natural science that arises from within natural science” can be understood as a reference of the independence of different “epistemic levels”, one of which is set by the “background” theory that provides the understanding of terms such “reality”, “evidence” and “justification”, and the other is related to the search for a more effective representation of the theory and determines the possibility of its change.


rationalism, epistemology, naturalization, justification, skepticism, conceptual change, W. Quine, W. Alston.



Khlebalin, A.V. (2021). Mathematical Practice and Mathematical Logic: To the History of Relationship. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. рр. 83-89.  


The article annuls the role of practice in the development of mathematics in the 19th century in the formation of mathematical logic. It is shown that the revolutionary transformations of mathematics of the 19th century, which led to an increase in the abstractness of mathematical theories and concepts, was accompanied by an increase in uncertainty regarding the standards of proof, which led to the universal spread of anxiety (J. Gray) as an element ofmathematical practice. It is argued that this element of practice was one of the sources of the emergence of mathematical logic, which claims to give rigor and accuracy to mathematics. The article argues that the socio- epistemological analysis of the practice of mathematics and the formation of mathematical logic will clarify the specifics of the development of relations between mathematics and mathematical logic.


mathematical logic, symbolic logic, mathematical practice, proof.


Lewis, D. C. (2021). Ethnicity and Values. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no 4. рр. 100-114.  


Cultures change in many ways but some basic values within the culture tend to remain over longer periods. Compared with some other potential markers of ethnicity, which may apply to only a certain part of an ethnic group, some traditional values are adhered to by most or perhaps even all members of the ethnic group. Over time, many core values of a culture remain relatively strong even though the manifestations of those values might gradually change. As such, certain cultural values can be regarded as stronger markers of ethnic or cultural identity than some other features of the culture which are more transient.


values, ethnicity, culture, cultural change, Tatars, Japan



Lbova E. M. (2021). Communication in Modern Russian Science. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. рр. 115-123.  


The article examines various types and tools of scientific communication: from traditional ones that have existed for several centuries, to completely new ones that have arisen in connection with the development of information technologies and the global Internet space. In order to show the differences between the new communication tools and those that existed earlier, the author gives a brief historical overview of the development of scientific communication since the emergence of Respublica Literaria in the 15th century until the emergence of networked scientific communities at the beginning of the XXI century. As a result of the study, it was found that the development of network scientific communities is a response to the crisis of traditional primary communication tools and provides the scientist with a new space for creativity and scientific research.


formal/informal communication, scientific communication tools, network scientific community, scientist.



Oleinik, A. N. (2021). Comparative Conceptology of Power and Resistance Using Google Ngram Book. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. рр. 124-143.  


The article discusses the evolution of key concepts referring to governmentality in comparative perspective. The Russian discourse on government and power is compared with the Western discourse. The Google Books Ngram Viewer databank covering the period from 1800 to 2019 is used as a source of information. This databank contains more than 5% of all published books. The proposed discourse analysis suggests that the Russian and Western discourses have some elective affinity: in both cases there is little room for truth telling and whistle-blowers face significant risk.


discourse, gouvernementalité, parrhēsia, whistleblowing



Sanzhenakov, A. A. (2021). In a Labyrinth of Contexts. Book Review: Philosophy and Its History. Discussions: Textbook / editor, introduction, translation and comments by M. N. Volf. Novosibirsk, 2021. 239 p. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 2. no. 4. рр. 144-154.  


The article considers a collection of translated articles on the methodology of the history of philosophy. First, the author of the review offers a brief retelling of all articles and in the conclusion evaluates their content. The reviewed collection allows not only to some concepts and recommendations on the history of philosophy, but also makes it obvious that the existence and development of philosophy without close and serious attention to its past is impossible. In conclusion, the author of the review proposes to understand the history of philosophy as communication.


history of philosophy, methodology, historiography, historical context, interpretation, scientific progress






Vol. 3. No. 1 (2022)


Anikina, A. B. (2022). Obligated Memory as a Prohibition on History. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 1. pp. 5-19.  


The article deals with the contradictions of two forms of dealing with the past – history and memory. Based on the analysis of the concept of the 20th century classic Paul Ricoeur, it is shown how memory can turn from a testimonial of experience into a substitution of the past in the form of a “obligated memory”. The idea of "obligated memory" is considered on the example of the ideologeme of victory in the Russian politics of memory, which obscures the experience of grief and destruction suffered by the victorious people. It is shown that " obligated memory" only seems to be memory, thereby forcing one to take its images seriously, but it does not rely on real experience, which is necessary for the survival as of individuals so of societies as a whole.


politics of memory, P. Ricoeur, recollection, memorial turn, Abusively Controlled Memory.


Berdaus, S. V. (2022). Developing the Concept of Intentionality in the Discourse of Modern Psychology. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 1. pp. 28-37.  


The main problematic background of the article is the nature, prospects and obligations associated with the borrowing of philosophical concepts and ideas by psychology. Reasons are expressed for introductory interventions in psychology from the side of philosophy. An exemplification of such an intervention is presented in the form of an analysis of psychological approaches to the interpretation of E. Husserl's concept of intentionality. R. May's interpretation of intentionality is considered in more detail. It is suggested that his version of the concept of intentionality uses the implicit connotations of the phenomenological interpretation of intentionality with Freud's theory of drive.


Husserl, intentionality, phenomenology, Rollo May, existential analysis, psychoanalysis, consciousness, unconsciousness, simultaneous analysis.



Kovalchuk, X. S. (2022). Pairs of Arguments (Dissoi logoi). Part 2. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 1. рр. 38-45.  


The paper is a Russian translation of the next six chapters of a curious sophistic text, conventionally called the Pairs of Arguments (Dissoi logoi). Transmitted as an appendix to the works of Sextus Empiricus, this collection of short treaties seeks to show the sophistic (Protagorean) way of argumentation. They address such opposite notions as true and false, sane and insane, wise and foolish, and explore the possibilities of arguing pro and contra a given position.


sophistry, argumentation, rhetoric, persuasion.


Kosarev, A. V. (2022). A Historical Turn in Analytical Philosophy and Neopragmatism. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 1. pp. 46-53.  


After the collapse of the “Atlantic Wall” and the breaking of the boundaries between continental and analytic philosophy, there has been a historical turn in analytic philosophy, and contrary to expectations of the emergence of post-analytic philosophy on the philosophical scene, neo-pragmatism took that place, although these terms indicate in a rough way the same phenomenon. This situation demonstrates the modern definition of analytical philosophy as a technique and toolkit rather than a set of problems that define a philosophical tradition. Neopragmatism, in turn, was more consistent with the maintenance of humanistic intellectual traditions, satisfying substantive needs, which by the beginning of the XXI century. come to the foregraund, pushing back the sophisticated logical toolkit and the elitist method, unsuitable for the mass consumer of philosophical knowledge that was formed during this period.


analytical philosophy, historical turn, pragmatism, neo-pragmatism, humanism



Ardalyanova, A. Yu., Zemtsova, A. E., Kupryashkin, I. V. (2022). Digitalization of Urban Space: From Idea to Everyday Practice of Vladivostok Residents. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no.1. pp.54-66.


The article describes the results of a study conducted by the authors in order to identify and justify the main opportunities and limitations of digital transformations in urban development through the analysis of the "Smart City" concept and assessment of the opinions of citizens regarding the need for and importance of introducing digital solutions into their daily practices (on the example of the city of Vladivostok). Empirical methods are represented by a secondary analysis of sociological data, the empirical basis for which was the research of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM), the Primorsky Research Center of Sociology. The results of interviews with residents of the city of Vladivostok (N=15) are presented.


digitalization, smart city, everyday practices, digital practices of citizens.



Vinokurova, A. V., Yakovlev, A. I. (2022). The Regional Capitals of the Far East: Go Away Can Not be Stay (Where Should We Put a Comma?). Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 1. pp. 67-80.  


The paper presents the main aspects related to the dynamics of migration processes and the implementation of migration strategies for residents of the regional capitals of the Far East. The empirical base of the study was the materials of official statistics and results of a sociological study based on qualitative methods (expert interviews and focus groups). Field materials were collected by the authors during expeditions undertaken in the summer-autumn and autumn-winter of 2021. In most of the Far Eastern capitals we are considering, there is a negative migration trend. Within the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD), a «flow» of the population from rural areas to regional capitals is noticeable. But the rural migrants and migrants from other settlements does not always block the migration outflow of the population from the regional administrative centers of the Far Eastern Federal District to other subjects of the Russian Federation. Thus, there is upward migration mobility: if resources are available, people leave for places where there are more opportunities in terms of improving material well-being, employment, professional self-realization, access to educational, medical services, and socio-cultural facilities.


Far East, administrative centers of the Far Eastern Federal District, migration processes, level and quality of life, social well-being, regional development.



Troshkina, I. N. (2022). Traditions and Innovations in the Implementation of the State Language Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Education and Science. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 1. pp. 81-91.  


In the period from October 28 to December 13 in the city of Abakan (Republic of Khakassia) The All- Russian scientific and practical conference “Traditions and innovations in the implementation of the state language policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education and science of the regions of Siberia and the Far East” was held. The scientific event was held within the framework of regional events dedicated to: the Year of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation, the Year of the Khakass Heroic Epic in the Republic of Khakassia, the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Khakassia. The purpose of the All-Russian Conference was to attract the attention of the scientific and professional community of the Siberian, Far Eastern and other federal districts to the topical issues of the implementation of the state language policy in the regions of the Russian Federation, improving the quality of teaching and learning the native languages of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. The conference was attended by more than 200 specialists from 12 regions of the Russian Federation. The work took place within the framework of 5 discussion platforms. The event showed the great importance of language education, teaching and learning of the native languages of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East, actualized significant problems of ethno-cultural, ethno-linguistic orientation.


Russian Conference, interregional language cooperation, language policy, language education, Khakass language.



Khlebalin, A. V. (2022). Determinating Vectors and Considering Trajectories: Conference Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of V. V. Tselishchev. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 1. pp. 92-100.


The article is a coverage of the main areas of work and topics of discussion of the international conference "Analytical Philosophy: Trajectories of History and Vectors of Development", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the scientific director of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. V. Tselishchev.


analytic philosophy, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, history of analytic philosophy.






Vol. 3. No. 2 (2022)


Berestov, I. V. (2022). Analysis and Critique of “Zeno causality” in J. Hawthorne. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 2. pp. 5-22.


We intend to point out a flaw in J. Hawthorne’s method of overcoming the paradoxicality in gedanken experiments that have the form of J. Benardete’s Dichotomy. First, we will point out a way to change J. Hawthorne’s solution in such a way as to take into account E. V. Borisov’s criticism, and then we will give a counterexample showing the unacceptability of both J. Hawthorne’s original solution and the corrected solution. We come to the conclusion that there is still no universal way to solve paradoxes affined to J. Benardete’s Dichotomy.


Zeno causality, J. Hawthorne, Benardete Dichotomy, N. Shackel, paradox of logical causality.



Brovkin, V. V. (2022). On the Decadent Nature of Hellenistic Philosophy. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 2. pp. 31-39.


The purpose of the article is to identify the factors that influenced the formation of the idea of the decadent nature of Hellenistic philosophy. It is established that Hegel and E.Zeller played an important role in the formation of this idea. The formation of the idea of the inferiority of Hellenistic philosophy was influenced by the problem of sources. Serious gaps in the sources led to a distorted view of the philosophy of Hellenism. Underestimation of the philosophical teachings of Hellenism is the result of the idea of their moral and practical orientation and a low level of speculative and scientific. The negative attitude towards the philosophy of the Stoics, Epicureans and skeptics was promoted by the idea of the dominance of individualism in these teachings. The last factor is the thesis about the decadent nature of the Hellenistic era, which was caused by the loss of political freedom by the Greeks.


Hellenism, Hegel, E. Zeller, Stoics, Epicurus, skeptics, moral and practical philosophy, individualism, the decline of the polis.



Zaykova, A. S. (2022). Tense in the Context of B-theories. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 2. pp. 40-49.  


The importance of tense for choosing a theory of time is now at the center of the discourse on time and the perception of time. First of all, the discussion is between supporters of the A-theory and supporters of the B-theories. Supporters of the “old B-theory” defended the point of view that we can refuse tense without big problems. However, attempts to construct an ideal tenseless language have not been successful. As a result, supporters of the “new B-theory” suggested that the essentiality of tenses does not entail the essentiality of temporal modes, since tense is essential only for a person and his timely actions. To some extent, such a statement weakens the strong version of B-theory, which denies the essentiality of A-properties, but strengthens the version of it that takes in consideration of experience.


time, old B-theory, new B-theory, the passage of time, temporal properties, tensed propositions.



Lourié В. М. (2022). The “Paradox of Singleton” in the Deontic Logic: Maximus the Confessor et alii. Respublica Literaria, 3(2), 50–59.


Since Aristotle, it is assumed, in deontic logics, that the free will of an agent requires necessarily a possibility of choice between no less than two alternatives. This condition was not sine qua non in the Byzantine theology. The free will without a choice between different alternatives was also conceivable. The situation of “choice from one”, where the set of alternatives is a singleton, was considered as distinct from the situation when the set of alternatives is void. The implied deontic logic is paracomplete


deontic logic, paracomplete logic, Byzantine logic, Maximus the Confessor, free will


Sanzhenakov, A. A. (2022). Aristotle on Actions and its Causes. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 2. pp. 60-69.  


The article raises the question of the legitimacy of considering Aristotle’s theory of action as a standard causalism in the version of D. Davidson’s theory of action. Davidson believes that Aristotle could agree with the fundamental assumptions of the standard theory of action that the agent’s psychological attitudes (desires and beliefs) are the reasons for actions as well as their causes. However, an analysis of Aristotle's texts and a review of modern commentaries have shown that there are deep conceptual differences between the approaches of Aristotle and Davidson. The article demonstrates that the holism of the Aristotelian theory of action leads to the tendency to give an exhaustive description of the action with the help of four causes, to place the action in the teleological context of the functioning of a living being, and also to fit it into the structure of the world order as a whole. All these properties have no place in standard causalism, which is characterized by particularism, and according to which it is not the goals that play the primary role, but the desires and beliefs of the agent. In the final part of the article, the author suggests that M. Bratman, who developed a planning theory of intention, should be considered the true successor of Aristotle.


theory of action, standard causality, Aristotle, reasons for action, intention, teleology, Aristotle’s four causes, Davidson.



Vinokurova, A. V., Aktamov, I. G., Orolmaa M., Sanjaa M. (2022). Mongolian Migrants in the USA: Basic Socio-demographic Characteristics. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 2. pp. 70-79.  


The article considers the main socio-demographic characteristics of Mongolian migrants living in the United States. The main indicators that determine the dynamics of their numbers in general, average age, education level, income level, poverty level are presented. The data of international and national statistics of the United Nations, the International Organization for Migration, the American Pew Research Center, the National Statistical Committee of Mongolia, etc. were used as the main research tools. In general, the United States is one of the most popular destination countries among Mongolian migrants. The main migration strategies of the Mongols in the U. S. are related to labor and educational migration.


migrants and migrations, demographic processes, socio-economic development, social well-being, Mongolia, USA.



Madyukova, S. A. (2022). Is Ethnic Culture a Social Institution? Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 2. pp. 80-92.  


The article analyzes approaches to the study of social institutions in their broad and narrow sense, with a focus on the sociological interpretation of institutions and institutionalization. The significant functions of a social institution and the conditions for its formation in response to a social request are determined. The understanding of culture as a generic concept for ethnic culture is fixed and the rationale for the institutional interpretation of culture is given. The author comes to the conclusion that ethnoculture can be regarded as a social institution both in a broad sense (as a set of norms, rules, traditions and rituals that regulate the life and behavior of people), and, at a modern stage of development, in a narrow sense (ethnoculture is institutionalized in specific political (ministries of culture), social (public organizations), cultural (theaters, libraries), educational (schools, colleges, universities) structures that perform the function of cultural transmission, which was previously carried out mainly in the institution of the family, and is now diversified into various organizations) . The institutional understanding of ethnic culture allows us to reveal cultural dilemmas, track the structural and functional transformations of ethnic cultures and the specifics of their interaction with other social institutions of our time.

Key words:

social institution, culture, ethnic culture, tradition, cultural transmission, family, actors.



Petrov, V. V., Lbova, E. M., Persidskaya, O. A. (2022). Interdisciplinary Interaction in Digitalization Conditions of the Scientific and Educational Space. Respublica Literaria. Vol.3. no2. pp. 93-102.


The article includes an overview of papers presented at the II All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation «From Idea to Practice: Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge in the Digital Environment», which took place in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok on March 28–29, 2022. It is shown that the digitalization that affects allspheres of social space, creates the prerequisites for development of the interdisciplinary interaction in the framework of natural science and socio-humanitarian research.


digitalization, personality, society, interdisciplinary practices.

Том 3 № 3 (2022): Respublica Literaria


Afonasina, A. S., Kovalchuk, K. S. (2022). Ριζωματα – four foundations of the universe. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. рр.5-18.

Abstract. Empedocles believed that everything in the world could be explained by four “roots” and two acting forces. Since Aristotle's time, these four “roots” have been called “elements,” which has greatly distorted the perception of Empedocles' philosophy. Let us ask ourselves - can we really attribute to Empedocles the idea of “roots” as material particles  endowed  with definite and clearly defined characteristics? A  careful  reading  of  the surviving  fragments of Empedocles' poem confronts us rather with uncertainty. Empedocles resorts to various ways of representing them, thus confusing the listener. One has the feeling that, with the numerous epithets and names inherent in the roots, he himself was only trying to find the best way of understanding them. In this article we turn to a large number of fragments in which names, epithets, characteristics, or  metaphorical  descriptions  of  roots  are  mentioned. After carefully analyzing them  and  offering  our  own  translations  into  Russian,  we  come  to  the  conclusion  that the understanding of the roots cannot be reduced to simple elements. They are described as gods, as natural elements, as the smallest particles, from the mixture of which everything in the world can be composed. This study shows once again that Empedocles was  an  outstanding  and  original  thinker,  whose  ideas  cannot  be  reduced  to  simple and comprehensible forms.

Keywords: Empedocles, cosmology, roots, acting forces, gods, plurality.



Brovkin, V. V.  (2022).  Early  Greek  Philosophy  and  Traditional  Religious  Beliefs.  Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. pp. 19-33.

Abstract. The article discusses the factors that influenced the formation of criticism of traditional religious beliefs in early Greek philosophy. It is established that the first factor is the internal development of Greek philosophy associated with the solution of the problem of the arche. In the philosophy of Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Melissus, Empedocles,  there  has  been  a  departure  from  religious  beliefs.  Xenophanes and Heraclitus have already criticized mythology, anthropomorphism, and mantic in full force. Hippo and Anaxagoras were accused of godlessness. The second factor is the socio–political instability in Greece of the VI–V centuries BC. This circumstance contributed to the strengthening of distrust among Greek philosophers towards socio-political, moral and religious institutions.

Keywords: Thales, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Olympian gods, mythology, anthropomorphism, arche, polis.



Egorova, O. S. (2022). Aristotle: Historical Images  of  the  Philosopher  in  Russian  Literature (18th- early 20th centuries). RespublicaLiteraria. Vol. 3. рр. 34-50.

Abstract. In this article, I analyze some fragments from scientific, philosophical, journalistic and literary works of Russian authors of the 18th – early 20th centuries, containing references to the personality of Aristotle. Based on them, I attempt to reconstruct some of the traditional historical images of the philosopher in Russian culture (“sage”, “scientist”, “universal man”, “genius”, “ideal philosopher”). I determine the semantic content of each historical image, its features, and transformation while tracing their relationship with the ancient Russian tradition. I conclude that the images of Aristotle as a “sage” and “scientist” have deep historic roots while the rest of the images began to take form in the 18th century and later. The paper is supplemented by a complete bibliographic list of the studied works.

Keywords: Russian literature, Aristotle, historical image, Russian philosophy, bibliography.



Rodin, K. A. (2022). Tolstoy's Treatment on Art and Later Wittgenstein. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. pp. 51-58.

Abstract. The article outlines the main ideas of the book by Henry W. Pickford Thinking with Tolstoy and Wittgenstein. Expression, Emotion, and Art. Pickford's book is the first concrete and well-argued study of Tolstoy's influence on the late Wittgenstein. In the first part of the article, I analyze (independently of Pickford) the main ideas of Tolstoy's treatise on art. Then I briefly present (and again independently of Pickford) the skeptical paradox (regarding the meaning and following the rule) and the overcoming of the skeptical paradox in Wittgenstein's texts. In the final part I put numerous parallels (noted by Pickford) between the ideas of Tolstoy's treatise on art and later Wittgenstein.

Keywords: Tolstoy, Wittgenstein, rule-following problem, skeptical paradox, emotion, art.



Ganbaatar, T., Otgondoo, N., Sergei, N., Mashbat, Z., Purev-Ochir, N., Batjargal, B. (2022). The Effects of Covid-19 on Libraries of Mongolia. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. pp. 59-76.

Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected higher education and cultural sector, including libraries. The majority of the libraries in Mongolia were physically closed for patrons. Librarians were suddenly tasked moving from in-person service into  online  and  the  Covid-19  pandemic  affects  policies,  strategies,  activities,  behaviors  itself  and the library’s  future  development  strategy  was  not taking  into  account  the  effect  of  Covid-19.  The  aim  of  this  paper is to explore how Mongolian libraries satisfy the need of their patrons in unexpected situation, such as Covid-19-induced transition to adapt to keep afloat, to identify the main issues that have arisen and make recommendations for the betterment of libraries’ role in such situations. To be more specific, we address the following research questions: To what extend the Covid-19 affected the library daily activities? Do the library service style, perspectives, strategies, patrons and librarian attitudes change in the future? To address the research questions a quantitative and qualitative content analysis approach was used on a dataset created from questionnaire survey and interviews from librarians and patrons. We studied whether the library could response patrons’ needs, the staff is fully paid or not, printed and e-book usage, internal and external online databases, positive and  negative  impacts  of  Covid-19  and  other  library  services  during  pandemic  period and compared them to the indicators with pre-Covid-19 period.

Keywords: Covid-19, pandemic, library, library service, patron, librarians, internal and external online databases, Mongolia.



Lbova, E. M. (2022). Young Researchers: Guidelines and Limitations in the Russian Scientific Policy (on the example of the first Congress of Young Scientists in Sochi, 2021). Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. рр. 77-86.

Abstract. The first Congress of Young Scientists was held on December 8–10, 2021, in Sochi, and bringing together talented young researchers,  representatives  of  business  and  the  Government  of  the  Russian  Federation. The event had several objectives: to demonstrate the achievements of Russian science over the past 20 years; outline the prospects for further scientific development; provide a platform for dialogue and interaction between  young scientists and officials. Despite numerous efforts aimed at the implementation of the latter task, a constructive dialogue did not take place. However, the topics discussed at the Congress of Young Scientists make it possible to consider the main current directions in the formation of Russian scientific policy towards young researchers.

Keywords: science, scientific personnel, science policy, youth, the Congress of Young Scientists



Artemova, A. N. (2022). Legal Nature of a Share in the Authorized Capital of a Limited Liability Company: A Conflict of Corporate and Family Law. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. pp. 87-95.

Abstract. The possibility of doing business through the design of a commercial corporation (usually a limited liability company) is widely used by many entrepreneurs. At the same time, the acquisition by a married person of a share in the authorized capital,  both as a result of the establishment of a legal entity and through civil law transactions, entails relevant legal consequences. In the absence of a marriage contract, the share in the charter capital of the corporation is the joint property of the spouses, which is subject to the joint ownership regime. This circumstance predetermines the occurrence of conflicts of family and corporate law, which must be resolved by the courts when resolving disputes on the division of a share in the authorized capital of a limited liability company. The article attempts to analyze the legal nature of the share in the authorized capital in order to resolve this conflict.

Keywords: share in the authorized capital; limited liability company; property right to a share in the authorized capital; corporate rights due to the ownership of shares in the authorized capital; division of the common property of the spouses.



Izgarskaya, A. A. (2022). Dynamics of Political Hegemony in the Cycles of the Modern World- system. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. pp. 96-105.

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the world-system dynamics of the centers of political hegemony. The author shows the possibility of synthesizing the concept of the world-system approach (I. Wallerstein, J. Arrighi), the concept of long cycles of global power by J. Modelski and the theory of geopolitical dynamics by R. Collins. The model of the systemic cycle of rise and fall of the hegemon is built as a result of synthesis. The interpretation of the historical material made it possible to discover that the modern world system is in the transition to the stage of the emergence of proposals for new forms of the world order.

Keywords: world system, hegemon, systemic expansion, centers of geopolitical power, challenger.



Fomkin, F. S. (2022). Russian Science During the Sanctions. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. рр. 106-117.

Abstract. After the Russian government announced a special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, Russia faced  unprecedented sanctions pressure,  which could  not but affect the sphere  of  science  and  education. This paper touches  on  the  problems  and  sudden  changes  that  have  affected  Russian  science,  such  as:  shortages of equipment and components, the breakdown of international cooperation, and the "brain drain. Based on a summary of statements and statements by scientists, politicians, ministers, and officials representing Russian and foreign science, the impact of sanctions on domestic science is analyzed and potential options for developments are considered.

Keywords: science, sanctions, scientific collaboration, technological sovereignty.



Darensky, V. Yu. (2022). A. A. Zinoviev as an Existentialist. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. pp. 118-126.

Abstract.   The   article   examines   aspects   of   A. A. Zinoviev's   philosophical   thinking   that   relate   him to existentialism: man as a project; the primacy of existence in relation to the essence; the imperative of becoming a person; sociality as a sphere of alienated being; the inescapable loneliness of man; God as Another and as the original model of personal being. The stylistic specificity of A. A. Zinoviev's existential philosophizing and its Christian archetypes are highlighted.

Keywords: A. A. Zinoviev, existentialism, personality, freedom, fate.



Serkova, V. A. (2022). Alexander Zinoviev on Understanding. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. рр. 127-132.

Abstract. The last work of Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev “The Factor of Understanding” is devoted to the process of understanding. It provides the methodology and subject area of understanding closest to Zinoviev – social life, in  which  he  sees  the  meaning  of  human  existence.  Zinoviev  analyzes  consciousness  as  a  complex  form of understanding the foundations of one's existence; consciousness is in a certain sense responsible for the world realized in it,  which  can  be  defective  or,  on  the  contrary,  complete  and  harmonious,  since  man  has  no  other; his consciousness is the mediator between the possibility of a reality realized in a certain way and this “reality that happened”.

Keywords: Zinoviev, understanding, social life, production of the present.



Shevchenko, O. K.  (2022).  Cybernetics  and  Power  in  A.  A.  Zinoviev's  Sociological  Novels. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 3. рр. 133-140.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the functioning of power in the conditions of cyberreality, reflected in  the novels  of A.  A. Zinoviev. In his works, the  author described the future of such  a social reality, in the construction of which the cyber factor would play a significant role. Currently, his research is on par with the texts of N. Wiener and  A. Turing  and  can  be  the  basis  for  distinguishing  a  special  cluster  of  research  from the philosophy of power – social power in a digital society.

Keywords: digital society, cyber power, cyber reality, the future of power, the philosophy of power.

Том 3 № 4 (2022): Respublica Literaria


Berestov, I. V.  (2022).  How  Achilles  and  Hector  Missed  Each  Other:  A  Difficulty  in  the  Theory  of Motion That Distinguish the Passage of an Open Space Interval from the Passage of its Closure. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 4. pp.5-26. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.5-27

In this paper, I construct a new aporia against movement. First, I analyze the widely accepted “at-at theory of motion” that was proposed by B. Russell. I show that an attempt to define on the basis of this theory a wide class of species of motion (including uniform motion) fails due to the fact that a moving object, after the expiration of open time intervals, can be at any point in space, and therefore can make “leaps”. Next, I propose an improved version of the “at-at theory of motion”, according to which the spatial interval passed by a moving object is a function of the time interval during which the object moved. But it turns out that such an understanding of movement leads to the Oncoming Motions Paradox: moving from two opposite ends of the interval towards each other, Achilles and Hector can successfully go through this entire interval, having visited every point of it, but not having met each other at any point of this interval. In the last part of the paper, I show that attempts to define motion through infinitesimal analysis either offer no less paradoxical solutions than Zeno’s paradoxes themselves, or these attempts are not immune to the occurrence of the Oncoming Motions Paradox.


Borisov, E. V.   (2022).   And   Yet   They   Met.   Respublica   Literaria.   Vol. 3. no. 4. pp. 28-32. DOI:  10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.28-32.

Three objections against some claims put forward in Berestov’s paper are presented: 1) I. V. Berestov’s presentation of ‘the paradox of meeting’ contains a flaw. Fixing that flaw eliminates the paradox. 2) his ontological view that spatio-temporal objects exist not only in space and time but also out of them is not sufficiently grounded. 3) his attribution of that ontological view to P. Benacerraf is incorrect.


Domanov, O. A. (2022). Zeno’s Paradoxes and the Notion of Point. Respublica Literaria.   Vol. 3. no. 4. pp. 33-39. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.33-39

Zeno’s movement paradoxes stem from the notion of point as an object that has no size. The ambiguity of point as «a place taking no place» leads in some cases to questions having no clear answers. The article discusses solutions of such paradoxes in the framework of point-free geometry or pointless topology. These approaches consider point as a derived notion which doesn’t permit the paradoxical questions mentioned. The lesson we can draw from the movement paradoxes discussed in I. Berestov’s article is that infinity and limit notions similar to that of point are not always clear enough to base on them our formalization.


Lourié,  B.  (2022). The  Alliance  of  Zeno  and  Ultrametrics. Respublica Literaria.  Vol. 3. no. 4. pp. 40-57. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.40-57

Zeno’s paradoxes on the motion were resolved, in the Early Modern, Modern, and contemporaneous science, with sacrificing either simplicity of ontology or consistency of logic. I provide additional considerations justifying Graham Priest’s non-alethic approach to the motion. They are based on the possibility of considering the topology of the physical space as ultrametrical instead of continuous. Such an approach could be taken as the next step in development of Solomon Feferman’s mathematical physics (inspired, in its basic ideas, by Poincaré) where the irrational numbers are excluded.


Nechiporenko, A.V. (2022). Zeno’s Aporias “Through the Looking-Glass”(A  Reverence  to  I. V. Berestov’s  Article  “How  Achilles  and  Hector  Missed  Each  Other”).  Respublica Literaria.  Vol. 3. no. 4. pp. 58-67. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.58-67

This text is written as a detailed remark in the discussion about the article by I. V. Berestov. The main goal of the tactic is to show that the reasoning of I. V. Berestov are not related to the problematics and the conceivability of movement, i.e., to the actual problems of Zeno; in fact, the author is working on the set-theoretic problems of the continuum. The text contains mental experiments and counterexamples that play on the logical constructions of I. V. Berestov. In opposition to I. V. Berestov's approach, the author of the text cites his own experience of reconstructing a fragment of Zeno's aporia “Arrow”.


Rodin, K. A. (2022). On the Way to Zenon’s Paradoxes: Closed and Semi-open Intervals. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 4. pp. 68-74. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.68-74

I formulate a slightly modified version of Zeno's paradox Dichotomy and briefly consider the so-called Zeno objects (together with Thomson's lamp and Benacerraf's resolution of the Thomson lamp) to demonstrate the irrelevance of the distinction between closed and semi-open intervals for solving (or even posing) the problem of conceptualizing movement. Then I present objections to the Paradox of Oncoming Movement (formulated by Berestov).


Berestov,I. V.  (2022).  A  Reply  to  the  Critics. Respublica  Literaria.  Vol. 3.  no. 4.  pp. 75-98.  DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.75-98

In this paper, I answer the critical remarks of opponents. I consider several thought experiments with “Benacerraf’s genie”. Those thought experiments show that under certain circumstances we have good reasons for recognizing that a moving object exists in time and space and outside of them in turn, demonstrating “twinkling existence”. The counterintuitiveness of “twinkling existence” (or “double ontology”) can be used as an argument in favor of the unacceptability of the assumptions about the properties of time and space used in Russell’s theory of motion.


Ablazhey, A. M.  (2022).  Transformation  of  Ethical  Standards  in  Modern  Science  (Comparative  Study). Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 4. pp. 99-109. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.99-109

The article aims to assess, based on recent research, the transformations the science’s ethos. The study is comparative in many respects. We used the results of empirical studies of the scientific community of modern Poland and the Republic of Korea, the methodological basis of research is the concept of the scientific ethos by R. Merton. The results show, on the one hand, a profound transformation of the ethical principles of science, which leads to the stratification of the scientific community into several types (academic, industrial, post-academic science, marginal group). On the other hand, scientists consider classical norms as an example of the correct structure of science. We also argued that similar processes are typical for modern Russian science.


Izgarskaya, A. A., Litoshenko, I. F.  (2022).  World-system  Typology  of  Households:  Searching  for Theoretical  Foundations  for  Studying  Differences  in  the  Institutions  of  Motherhood  and  Childhood.  Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 4. pp.110-126. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.110-126

Based on the works of I. Wallerstein, a number of representatives of the world-system paradigm (J. Smith, W. A. Dunaway, T. D. Dickinson), as well as articles by foreign and domestic authors, an attempt was made to reconstruct the typology of households, which makes it possible to take into account the structural differences of modern societies, the internal social stratification, the differences in gender and with age of household subjects. Three types of households are described. There are differences between the type of incomplete proletarianization, the type of workingclass household and the type of a high level of welfare. Each type contains two models that differ in combinations of sources of additional income and the role of wages in the processes of household reproduction. The contribution of women's and children's labor to the reproduction of different types of the households is shown on this basis.



Skripkina,  T.  K.  (2022).  Modern  Media  Technologies  as  a  Factor  of  Modernization  of  the  System  of Higher Education. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 4. pp.127-148. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.127-148

The article presents an overview and analysis of Russian-language studies on the impact of modern digital media technologies on the processes of modernization of the higher education system. The key aspects are highlighted, within which the relationship between modernization processes and digitalization of education in higher education is considered. The phenomena that, according to the materials studied, have a stimulating and restraining effect on the processes of modernization of higher education in Russia, are identified, and brief recommendations are formulated to correct the identified deterrent effects.


Lourié,  B.  (2022).  Book  review:  Julia  Zlatkova.  “Constantine  Leontiev  and  Balkans”. Respublica Literaria. Т. 3. No 4. С.149-154. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.149-154

Yulia Zlatkova’s understanding of “Byzantinism” by Constantine Leontiev is evaluated. Zlatkova managed to grasp the main intuitions underlying Leontiev’s concepts of cultural development and nationality.


Moiseeva, A. Yu., Sanzhenakov, A. A., Skripkina, T. K., Petrov, V. V.(2022). Languages and Meanings of Science of the Youth. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 4. pp. 155-180. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.155-180

Among the factors that determine the future of Russian science and its interaction with the world scientific community, the activity of young scientists is of great importance. Especially important are the activities aimed at expanding and strengthening youth scientific communication, since they not only allow individual researchers and teams to develop, but also provide an opportunity to create new interregional associations, new interdisciplinary projects, etc. This article discusses the background and provides an overview of the main events of the anniversary XX International Conference of Young Scientists in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences “Languages and Meanings”, held in Novosibirsk on October 25-27, 2022. The results of the conference are summed up, its significance in the context of social processes in Russian-speaking science is revealed, and its prospects for the near future are outlined.


Problems  of  Ensuring  Russia's  Geopolitical  Security.  Materials  of  the  Meeting  of  the  All-Russian Scientific Webinar  on  the  Problems  of  Social Sciences  and  Humanities  with  International Participation  “Connecting  Spaces” (26 November 2022). (2022). Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 4. pp.181-208. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.181-209

Report of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor I. F. Kefeli is devoted to integration processes and the rivalry of states for influence in the Eurasian space. The philosophy of Eurasianism is used as a methodology for researching the problem. The speaker briefly reviewed the history of the formation of the main ideas of Eurasianism in the works of M. V. Lomonosov, V. I. Lamansky, P. N. Savitsky, N. S. Trubetskoy, G. V. Vernadsky, L. N. Gumilyov. I. F. Kefeli emphasized that Russian geopolitics has Eurasian foundations both in the history of Russia and at the present stage. The report discussed the contradictions and difficulties in implementing the Greater Eurasia project, which initially involves cooperation between states and a breakthrough in technological development. The growth of integration processes between the Turkic states and peoples, some of whom live on the territory of the Russian state, is named in the report as the main source of geopolitical danger for Russia. I. F. Kefeli drew attention to the Russian government's underestimation of the growing danger. The author of the report pointed out that the strengthening of ties between the BRICS countries could become a counterbalance to the integration of the Turkic peoples, which is taking place under Turkish leadership. This counterweight can also be formed within the Eurasian space if Russia consistently participates in three macro-regional projects: the EAEU, the Chinese Silk Road Economic Belt, and the «North-South» logistics project (Russia, Iran, India). In conclusion, the author emphasized the features of the study of geopolitical reality and its political expertise. The discussion of the report was held in the form of a discussion, which revealed the difference in points of view formed on this problem in the Russian scientific community.