Editorial Team


A. Abramova  (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

A.V.  Khlebalin (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Deputy Director for Research, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)


V.N. Grishaeva  (Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

O.A. Persidskaya  (Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

Editorial Board:

M.N. Volf  (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor RAS, Prof., Director of Institute Philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

S.S. Ayazbekova  (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Candidate of Arts., Professor, MSU, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)

A.F. Ivanov  (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) SPbGEU "LETI", St. Petersburg, Russia)

I.F.  Kefeli (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, North-Western Institute of Management of RANEPA, St. Petersburg, Russia)

D.L. Konstantinovsky (Doctor of Social Sciences, Chief Researcher FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia)

A.  Lazarevich (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Minsk, Republic of Belarus)

V.L. Tolstykh (Doctor of Law, Professor. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLA), Moscow, Russia)

V.V. Tselishchev  (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Scientific Supervisor of the Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

S.A. Sharonova  (Doctor of Social Sciences, Associate Professor, RUDN, Deputy Director of Scientific Work at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the RUDN, Moscow, Russia)


Editorial Board:

A.M. Ablazhey  (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Institute Philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

A.M. Almakaeva  (Candidate Social Sciences, Associate Professor, HSE, Moscow, Russia )

E.M. Arutyunova  (Candidate Social Sciences, Leading Researcher, FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia)

E.V. Afonasin  (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, IKBFU, Russia, Kaliningrad)

E.V. Borisov (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

K.V. Grigorichev  (Doctor of Social Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Activities of the ISU, Irkutsk, Russia)

S.V. Zykov  (Scientific Staff, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

A.A. Izgarskaya (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

E.Yu. Kostina (Candidate of Sciences Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Department of Social Sciences of FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia)

V.G. Kostyuk (Candidate of Philosophy Sciences, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

S.B. Kulikov  (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Humanitarian Scientific and Educational Center of TSPU, Tomsk, Russia)

E.M. Lbova (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Scientific, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

E.G. Maklashova(Doctor of Social Sciences, Deputy Director, Leading Researcher, FSBI FITZ YASC SB RAS, IHRISN SB RAS, Yakutsk, Russia)

V.V. Petrov (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior scientific, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

Yu.V. Popkov  (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, Chief Scientific Officer Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

A.A. Sanzhenakov  (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Scientific, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

G.S. Solodova (Doctor of Social Sciences, Leading Researcher, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

A.Yu. Storozhuk (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Institute philosophy and law SB RAS, Russia, Novosibirsk)

I.F. Yarulin (Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Scientific Director of the Institute of Socio-Political Technologies and Communications of the Pacific University, Khabarovsk, Russia)

S.E. Yachin (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia)

C. Campbell (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Dr. David C. Lewis (Yunnan University, China; University of Cambridge, England)

M. Farnika (Zielona góra University, Zielona góra, Poland)

H. Liberska (University of Bydgoszcz named after Kazimierz the Great, Bydgoszcz, Poland