Is it Possible to Develop Entrepreneurship at School? Respublica Literaria
DOI:Ключевые слова:
cultural factors, innovation, entrepreneurship, school, teachersАннотация
Entrepreneurship will make it possible for young people to adapt to the employment market and participate in not only professional but also social and personal adult life effectively and satisfactorily. This article aimed to emphasize the way of developing entrepreneurship in the educational practice. The base of reflection as Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Karney’s definition of entrepreneurship. These approaches may open schools as environments for the coordination of all processes hidden in their culture on the way to effectiveness.
The category of entrepreneurship understood as a personal and organizational feature, an attitude, an activity mode, and a path of individual and institutional development were considered. When introducing challenges connected with the development of Entrepreneurship, some tools were described which make it possible to evaluate the changes taking place in the didactic process. This means that reflection on the process of development of must appears in various implementation spaces. It would be observable both at the level of individual development (students’ and teachers’ competencies), about activities undertaken within an organization, as well as changes in organizational climate and overall educational environment.
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- 2021-06-24 (2)
- 2021-06-23 (1)
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